Monday, 9 August 2010

Walking Wounded

Hurt my back today bending over to pick up an empty bucket.

Un-Fucking -believable!

I don't understand. Everytime I touch a KB these days something goes wrong with me. A few days ago I was pretty much pain free. Right now my lower back is tweaked, my shoulder is sore again and my wrist and knee hurts.

It seems my choice as stands is pain free and no weights or weights and buggered. First and foremost I can't afford injuries, there's no sick pay when you're labouring. Also I'm plenty strong enough to do the jobs I do and they probably make me stronger. I'd say doing what I do everyday is the reason I've held onto my muscle mass since dieting.

It's back to resting up and the pain free program after that. Prehaps KBs are too much for me. I've had two RKCs check me out now and they both thought my form was spot on. Maybe something a lot more gradual like Convict Conditioning would better serve me. Reinforce the tendons and ligaments which is where I feel the pain I'd say.

Signing back off again. I intend keeping the weight loss going with diet, work and walking. I'll keep doing the mobility stuff and start the pain free program again once I heal up a bit. I'm keen to check out Gray Cook's new book when it is available this side of the pond. So who knows where that might lead me.

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