Sunday, 3 October 2010

Back Again (again)

Since I've last posted I had been doing a pretty good job of keeping the weight lose going. My weight was down to 13st 4lbs (186) which is the lowest in at least 4 years. That wasn't bad going given my state of mind back in August when I wrote my last post!

Unfortunately there is no fairytale ending. In the last three weeks out of nowhere I have devoured everything in sight. Most of it being in the form of sugary carbs. This morning I weighed in at 13st 10.8lbs (192.8) which is about what I expected.

I'm back here to wirte down my food intake again and chart my progress. Why? Because it works for me.

Diet starts tomorrow, but I'm going for limitation today ;)

As far as training goes I have been doing nothing more than mobility and walking, outside of work. It has really shown me that diet really is 90% of weight lose. I still have a damaged right shoulder which gives me less and less trouble. But without picking up KBs I can report that my body feels pretty good.

I have switched sides if you will in my training. I've moved into the CST camp and I've been doing Intu Flow daily for over a week now. I like the hierarchy of the system moving from mobility to yoga style/bodyweight workouts to clubbells. I have long been interested in and seen as the pinnacle for me of moving as parkour or movnat. Before reading this I saw in CST a way to gently and systematically ramp up my conditioning to allow me to practice some of the skills of parkour in the future. These clips will give an idea of the direction I want to move in.

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