Saturday, 21 March 2009

"Baby needs new shoes....."

Ankles, Knees, Hips, Shoulders and Wrists

Warm Up - Shoulder Dislocates / Achilles Stretches / Quad Stretches / Squat Stretches / Shoulder & Wrist Stretch 2 x 10

Snatch High Pulls / Snatches / OH Squats / Power Cleans / Split Jerks 3 x 3

Session A
Power Snatches - 5 sets 3 reps - 40kgs 1 x 45kgs, 1 x 45kgs (PR)
Overhead Squat - 5 sets 3 reps - 22.5kgs
Pull for Clean - 5 sets 3 reps - 55kgs
Power Cleans - 5 sets 5 reps - 45kgs
Jerk from Racks - 5 sets 3 reps - 45kgs
Back Squat - 3 sets 5 reps - 55kgs
Hanging Leg Raises - 2 sets of 12


Comments: Pretty much over the cold I had now and I'm feeling stronger and healthier. I felt stronger in a lot of these lifts today, but my form and flexibility still has a lot of catching up to do. Rome wasn't built in a day though.

We were using 10kg bumper plates for the first today - sorry I should really have put Hang in front of most of the exercise descriptions in previous sessions. I not sure if it made it easier or not pulling from the deck, but it sure does feel good to let the weight bounce from droppin' it.

Got to save up now for some shoes. Weights were going under my heels for the squats, and under my toes for the seems I don't know where to be putting my weight!!


Martin Schap said...

I love dropping bumpers. Makes me feel like an animal. Squat shoes are a good investment because unlike running shoes they will last and last. Glad to hear you are feeling stronger. After all that is kind of the point. Your attitude will serve you well as you pursue this.

Colin said...

Cheers Martin. Meant stronger as in at least back to normal strength after my cold/virus. What with the weights we are using for convenience at the mo, it's hard to tell what strength increases I've made. I'm no longer out of breath going through it though, so there is definitely some conditioning.