Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Revised Plan

Well, yesterday certainly came out of the blue for me. Just goes to show how you are capable of more than you think when your heads in the right place. Feel generally tired today, but nothing is sore I'm glad to report.

After discussing it with a few people in the know I have decided to go with my gut instinct and start this cycle with ETK ROP. I will still use AOS swing and snatch numbers as a guide to where I should be in terms of volume with those, but I'm going to start the presses a little lower than is advised in that. I feel that starting off with (1,2,3) x 5 @ 24kgs for a heavy day is a little much.

Given that I didn't come through a cycle and a whole load of pressing and snatching to pass with the 16kgs - I feel that I'd be fresh enough to take this approach on this cycle.

Being able to do 200 reps satches in 10 mins with the 24kgs seems crazy to me now. I can still remember the day I got it and couldn't resist trying to snatch it. I got it up there, but it nearly yanked my arm out of the socket and my back throbbed for a little while. Haha.

It shall sure be interesting to see how I get on with it tomorrow on my easy day!!

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