Monday, 16 February 2009

Old Red Eyes is back

Daily Joint Mobility Complex
35 reps each

Warm Up/Corrective Exercises
Shoulder Rotations
Trunk Rotations
Cook Hip Lift
X Band Walk
OH Squats with 0.75" heel lift
Arm Bars @ 16kgs
1 x 10

Swings - 10 mins
17 Sw @ 24kgs - top of the minute
Total - 170

Stretch Routine
Held for 30 secs

'O' Rating
Right shoulder - 1
Right Knee - 1
Lower Back - 1

Comments - Back after a boozey weekend packed with full English breakfasts and 3 course dinners (thanks NHS!!) I was happy to step on the scales only 3 lbs heavier. And according to the ever-so-fickle BF% function 2lbs of Fat and 1lb of LBM. So not a complete disaster. I did take my jungle gym and gymboss with me but neither of them saw the light of day.

So back to the task at hand and I was clever enough to have enough good food in the fridge for my return. So I ate clean and did a reasonable amount of work with the swings. Felt absolutely great as I racked up the first pain free session in who knows how long....prehaps even ever!!

So a couple more weeks of Prog Minimum and weight loss focus then a shift to muscle and EDT.

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