Friday, 2 January 2009

The Fast and the Not So Furious

Daily Joint Mobility Complex
20 reps each

Corrective Exercises / DL work
GTG Trainer CoC - 5 reps every 2-3 hours
Lats and Shoulders trigger points with tennis ball

Side Lying Rotation
Shoulder Rotation
2 x10

X Band
Cook Hip Lift
2 x 10

Suitcase DL - 4 x 5 @ 32kgs

Good Morning Stretch x 3
Shoulder Stretch

Comments - DL was a little hit and miss, but mostly very good. Getting down low and feeling it in my hams and glutes. But at times I was going too fast and trying to remember all the finer points I was pulled forward - rather like the last time I injured my back.

Must remember to SLOW DOWN.


Martin Schap said...

Yep. Speed kills. Great to see the progress you are making. Good post regarding looking over your old logs too. It IS a bit cliched, but a useful exercise now and again. If you don't look it over once in a while you are missing one of the greatest benefits of keeping a log.

Colin said...

Definitely - but much easier when you have a written record I think.

Still not sure how I am going to go about my goals this year. I'd like to have another go at my DL experiment but my head tells me just to do ETK. Swings took me to a 140kgs x 4 before and would be a much safer way of doing it. I can always DL on variety days.

If I do decide to go with ETK, this time I won't be missing out any steps and get really into the subleties of the RKC system.