Thursday, 22 January 2009

Carb De-loading

Daily Joint Mobility Complex
25 reps each

Warm Up/Corrective Exercises
X Band Walk
Cook Hip Lift
Shoulder Rotations
Trunk Rotations
1 x 10

Toe Touch Exercises
Squat Exercise - OHS with 1.25 heel lift
1 x10

ManMakers - 12 mins
20 KB Sw @ 24kgs/Skipping - 6 x 2 mins

Decompression Hangs
Hamstring stretches

'O' Rating*
Right shoulder - 2
Knees - 3
Lower Back - 2

*Orthepedic Rating - 1 being pain free, 10 being seriously injured.

Comments - Tried a few OHS in warm up tonight as I have been GTG with the correction exercise for a week or so now. I can get down easily enough and have been forcing myself to sit back more when I'm down there, but my torso still leans forward a lot. I figured the OHS would show me just how much and then I could focus on pulling it back towards me a bit.

I hit the limit where the swings are starting to bite a bit and it's not so easy anymore. Of course another explanation is that I've started to reduce the excessive carbs in my diet again and in the past my endurance has always suffered because of this. I'll give it a little while and see how it goes. I have developed a base on the No S that I can easily go back to and know I can stick with for months at least.

With that as my safety net I'm eating breakfast a bit later to extend the Intermittant Fasting and have also cut carbs from breakfast and lunch. If I can't handle it or don't continue to lose weight I'll add them back into lunch first. This is Mon-Fri, I still get a few pleasures at the weekend!!

Pretty much pain free today which is never a bad thing.


Martin Schap said...

20 swings with any weight starts to get tough for me. It is a long time to be swinging a kettlebell.

Colin said...

It's good to hear you say that because I pretty much get out of breath doing anything for over 30 secs!!

Then after another few minutes it's like I find a rythmn and I'm not so bad. But I still struggle more in the absense of carbs.

Franklin said...

Solid progress! Heavy swings should bite and its good that they do. If they don't then you are not swinging correctly .. throw that 24kg bell between your legs on the eccentric and believe me you will be holding onto dear life.