Monday, 3 December 2007

Get a grip son!!

Workout was as follows:

Warm Up:
Mobility Drills (Neck, Shoulders, Upper Spine, Hips, Knees and Ankles)
Front Squat 16kgs 3x5
Halos 16Kgs 3x5 Clockwise and Anticlockwise
M Press 16Kgs 2x2

M Press 24Kgs (1) x 4 L/R
Snatches 24Kgs 5L/5R x 7 (10 at the top of each min for 7 mins = 70 reps)

Decompression Hang / Hamstring Stretch

Is it just me or is this 24 starting to feel a bit lighter already? Presses, pretty easy (you'd expect that on easy day though).

Any illusions of gandeur were shattered though when I was snatching though. Still make me puff quite hard - form was a little off tonight, especially on my weaker right side. Not so bad that I was smashing myself up or anything, just not in the groove. Grip was starting to go towards the end as well on my right hand. Hopefully swings with the mighty 32 will sort that out when it comes. Was working out at 30secs on/ 30secs off snatching for 5 each side. Probably quite slow compared to a lot as well.

Again recovered fairly quickly though and feel now like I haven't done anything tonight.

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