Saturday, 22 December 2007

Mixing it up

Messing around with various exercises.

Loaded cleans with 24kg/32kg - been banging up my arms a little of late when cleaning for my presses, so I practiced quite a lot of these with good form. Strangely my form was better with the 32kg!!

Waiter Walks with 24kg - pretty weak on these, time under tension not great, probably why I was so bad with the TGUs other day. Think I'll practice a lot of these on variety days from now on.

Swings with 32kg - pretty easy, did 3 sets of 10. Obviously I'm not out to bust myself on these days though. I have been working backwards from the SSST goal lately and thinking about how I'm going to have to reach certain milestones along the way to ace it. The way I see it I need 300 two handed swings in 10mins with 24kg , 300 one hand swings in 10 mins with 24kgs and if I was up to around 250 one handed swings with 32kg I reckon it'd be in the bag!!

Clean & M Press with the 16kg - all about the form and tips on pressing from ETK. Really wanted to feel tight throughout and feel my lats working on way up and more on way down.

Pounding a tire with a sledge hammer - one of my favourite activities!! :) I love the noise it makes and the davistation I know it would cause haha. Took it pretty easy again, but it got the heart pumping a bit.

Farmers walks with 32 and 24 alternating sides.

Probably did a little more than I had intended to, but was working well within myself with possible exception on waiter walks. Locking out for decent periods of time seems to be a weakness of mine and needs to be addressed.

I am trying not to exercise directly in lifts that I want to test myself on to see the WTH effect in operation for myself. Fortuneately there seems to be no end of other stuff I can do with KBs.

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