Friday, 21 December 2007

Workout was as follows:


Warm Up:
Mobility Drills (Neck, Shoulders, Upper Spine, Hips, Knees and Ankles)
Front Squat 16kgs 3x5
Halos 16Kgs 3x5 Clockwise and Anticlockwise
M Press 16Kgs 2x3

M Press 24Kgs (1,2, 3) x 5 - total of 30 reps L/R
Sw 24Kgs 156/6mins

Decompression Hang / Hamstring Stretch

Pressing was quite good - need to concentrate a lot more on the finer points of pressing it though. I've been reading a lot of posters on DD this week pressing the 40kg and 48kg bells - guys who were either a lot lighter than me or a lot older than me. While it did make me a bit jealous to begin I realised that these guys worked hard and consistantly for it - it has inspired me and made me raise the bar on how much further I'm going to improve!!

Talk about improving in leaps and bounds!! This is 34 more reps of swings than a few weeks ago in the same time - and I'm not sure where the hell it came from!! I think resting for breaths is helping me somehow, I breath deeper and slower and probably don't take as long as for rest overall.

I was right on the limit though - my forearms were like stone after it, and I could hardly hang from the bar for my decompression hangs haha.

1 comment:

Martin Schap said...

Feels good to know there was nothing left when you've just completed a hard workout. Looks like it's time to add arung to your ladders, too. Congratulations Colin. The Beast will come one day, and you will be older and lighter than you are now, so it will probably inspire some others.