Friday, 4 January 2008

Steps to the SSST

Thanks Martin - I am very happy with how things are progressing. I did have the belief that I was going to go straight through those 5 rungs for each ladder, but it wasn't to be this time.

My plans as far as testing go are as follows:

When I can complete 5 ladders of 5 rungs pressing with the 24 I will go for it with the 32. It may be the case that I will need to add another ladder to get to 5 good reps each side, but I think it will be close. I've not pressed the 32 in any capacity yet as I've skipped a few variety days of late. Between now and testing though I'll be doing push presses or assisted presses with it. Will give me a better idea.

As far as testing ssst goes I feel I am quite a way off. I have in mind the following goals/steps before I attempt it. 250 2-handed swings 24 10 mins / 250 1-handed swings 24 10 mins / 250 1-handed swings 32 10 mins. As it stands my biggest limiting factor is my grip - even on my easy snatch days towards the end the bell is close to flying out of my hand. To my mind there is no point in me testing for it if I know I'd be WAY off. If at any point along the way to these milestones I thought I'd have a good shot at it though - I'd definitely go for it.

Hopefully I could work up to that work level in around 4 months, maybe quicker. I plan on doing some 1handed swings with 24 and some 2 handed 32s on variety day, cos as you say working "heavier" on variety day seems to work very well.

What do you think?

1 comment:

Martin Schap said...

Sounds good Colin. I like your plan. It is specific, and it includes short term milestones as well as long term. I am working grip harder lately too. I think right now it is my single biggest limiting factor in the DL. I have also been amazed at the diffiernce the 24kg makes. Sounds like we are having roughly the same experience. I actually did lose one during some swings the other day. Luckily I was following the safety procedures outlined in ETK and there was nothing fragile in the line of fire.
I think you might benefit from some 5 minute test days leading up to the SSST. Maybe in a few weeks when you are able to string a few more snatches together. Good plan overall though. The variety days will be a good chance to shore up that grip.