Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Variety Day

1 x 1 C&PP (24kgs) L/R, 1 x 2 C&PP (24kgs) L/R

C&PP (32kgs) (1,1,1,1,1) L/R

3 x10 Onehanded swings (24kgs) L/R

3 x10 Swings (32kgs)

Finished off with a little bit of grip work - some levering turning my wrist over clockwise and anti clockwise and away and back to my face (hard to describe!!) with a dumbell weighted at one end. And some pinch grip work with a couple of 5kgs plates smooth side out. The grip work was just messing around really. Trying to give myself an indication of what I am able to handle and possibly the best way to train it. It may be best if I bring the stuff into the house and GTG it at nights.

Good little session though in the pouring rain. I felt pretty strong on the left with my presses, and not too bad on the right. Going to keep adding a rep to these sets now, kinda ladder style til I get to 5x5 - hopefully it'll be enough to start doing my ETK ladders with then.

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