Thursday, 17 July 2008

Next ambitious plan

Done a few bits and peices of my current plan today and been for a walk. I'm sure I don't need to post it in full again. While a number of them are going to be continual works in progress I intend to wrap it up after another week and start a phase of brutal strength work.

The following is Purposeful Primative inspired - I think it will be seriously tough but doable, let me know what ya all think.

Goals - Deadlift from 162.5 - 180Kgs / P Press from 32 x 6 - 32Kgs x 12 / F Squat from ?? - 72Kgs x 10 / Weight from 220 - 198.5lbs. 180kgs at 198.5 is double BW DL. 32 x 12 should be roughly 48kgs x 1 which is over half BW P Press. 72kgs x 12 should be roughly 100Kgs F Squat - which is nice round figure. ;) I don't know where I stand with F Squat as yet so I need to test that and adjust my goal as necessary. Oh and I've been doing Dr JB P Nutrition for last 2 days, I'm down to 218 but I'm taking that head start in case it slows down.

Week F Squat P Press DL
1 ???? 32 x 5
127.5 x 8
32 x 6
32 x 7
32 x 8
32 x 9
150 x 5
32 x 10 152.5
32 x 11 155
8 72 x 10 32 x 12 157.5

3 exercises, 3 times a week, 3 sets - 50%, 75% and 100% will be the weight as detailed above. Ideally I'd be using a similar progression as the DL with all 3 (i.e. increasing the weight and dropping the reps after week 4). However, it is much more practical and indeed safer for me to use the Kbs on the other 2 exercises. Being limited then to the 16, 24 and 32kgs I need to progress with higher reps.

Still have to bash out some cardio around this but I envisage that it won't a lot and won't be hardcore sessions either.

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