Saturday, 30 August 2008
Upper Body
Mobility Pumps and Squats
Sandbag P Press: 5x5, 3 mins rest
20 x 5, 30 x 5, 40 x 5, 50kgs x 5 x 2
Decompression Hang, Hamstrings, Lower Back and Shoulders
Comments: Not too bad. Apart from the 50 the other sets were just using single yellow bags - these were far easier than when I had to put a 20 + 30 in the blue bag. Using the blue bag the two separate weights shift all over the place and I really have to grip hard.
Knew I had a bit more in me than the single I managed using 50kgs a little while ago. Time for a day off now.
Friday, 29 August 2008
Circuit Training
Mobility, Squats, pumps and halos
Circuit - As many rounds in 20 mins of:
50 Kgs Sandbag + 32kgs KB carry x 20 feet
16kgs Snatches x 10 L/R
Sledge Hammer Strikes x 10 L/R
50 Kgs Sandbag + 32kgs KB carry x 20 feet
Assisted Chins x 10
Press Ups x 10
3 rounds in 19:50
Comments: Shoulder the sandbag, pick up KB in opposite hand and walk up the top of garden to the 16kgs and the sledge and tire. Opposite shoulder, opposite hand, walk back down to the chin bar.
I think I made it too strength based with the heavy carries. I was grand walking with it, but it took a lot out of me for the other exercises. If I do it again I'll definitely drop the weight and hope to be able to just move from exercise to exercise. I was taking too long between them.
Still I'm quite chuffed to be walking up and down the garden with over 4/5ths of my BW as part of a circuit :)
Thursday, 28 August 2008
Lower Body
Mobility Pumps and Squats
Sandbag Front/Zercher Squats: 5x5, 3 mins rest
30 x 5, 40 x 5, 50 x 5, 60kgs x 3 x 2
Decpmpression Hang, Hamstrings, Lower Back and Shoulders
Comments: To me front squats are as lower body as DLs. There is a lot of pressure on the entire core, your arms and upper back to hold the sandbag. It was these areas that were giving out when I stopped at 3 reps on the last 2 sets. As usual I was hoping for a little more - but the sandbag is an entirely different animal......I love using it.
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
2.4 mile Run
Mobility and 5 min jog
2.4 miles in 23:52 Average HR 165bpms
Comments: Pretty easy. Was trying to stay in the 160-170 range - happy to say that I was able to keep my ego in check and walk a few times when I just couldn't bring the HR below 170. Snails pace but feel really good after.
Measured on Run There so it is probably a bit out, regardless it is a route I shall be running a few times in the coming weeks and look forward to the time coming steadily down.
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
Weights - Total Body
Mobility Pumps and Squats
DeadLift: 5x5, 3 mins rest
100 x 5, 115 x 5, 130 x 5, 135kgs x 5 x 2
Decpmpression Hang, Hamstrings, Lower Back and Shoulders
Comments: Tough enough - was after a little more. Form wasn't great - rounding my back a bit on later sets. I'll take it though. No injuries and I don't like these 'high rep' sets on deadlifts!
I've made a good start with regards to my diet today. Going for a 60, 20, 20 split carbs, protein and fat. Calculated I need around 2500 to shed a little per week - man it is a LOT of food when you eat healthy. I've had to split it into 8 feedings. I'm a mathmetician at heart so I love calculating it all out like this and have no problems tweaking as required as I go along.
Monday, 25 August 2008
Pumps/Squats/Press Ups/ Halos
20 mins of:
35kgs sandbag C&Js x 10
660m run
3 rounds in 20:11
Supposed to be 15 reps but sandbag too heavy for that - easy to press, hip drive left a lot to be desired. I wasn't going crazy here, but it was a very tough session.
Been reading through (another) excellent book on sports nutrition today. Been devising a good plan and off food shopping tomorrow. I have a feeling that just a few days of eating remotely sensibly would see a big improvement in my performance of the last 2 sessions I've done. It's a start though and I'm feeling pretty good now.
Friday, 22 August 2008
Mobility & Squats/Pumps/Halos
Three rounds for time:
Run 660 meters (I think this is what my block measured)
24Kgs KB X 21 swings
12 Pull-ups (assisted 2 x Blue Bands)
Comment: A "Where are you now?" workout. Giving the ME Crossfit BlackBox a run out with the goal of improving body comp - though I'd be disappointed not to increase cv, strength, power, running speed, jumping etc etc given what I've read!! We shall see.
In addition I'm measuring myself tomorrow, weight, BF, waist etc and going to keep them in fitday along with a food plan - I'll keep them to myself and do a before and after in 8 weeks. Of course I'll also give this another go to see how I've improved.
Just on the subject of this. I was interested to read your comment Martin about your friend not going all out and scaling way back where he felt necessary. It was in my mind when I decided that I was going to go back to circuits. I also read about scaling back a bit and not "cashing out" in the ME Black Box articles and then obviously read about your friends success with this approach. It's good to have these things empathised, it gives me confidence that I'm doing the right thing. It will take me a little while to find out which weights I should be using for these but I fully intend erring on the side of caution.
Just to be clear though - this was a TOUGH session still and there is a lot of work to be done between now and the end of October......and beyond.
Thursday, 21 August 2008
I have a few issues of the Performance Menu which lays out ME Black Box which I understand is the following:
ME - Total - Cleans, Hang Cleans, Power Cleans - Lower - OH, Front, Back Squat - Upper - Presses, P Press, Jerks (All 3 exercises each session?)
3 x per week alternating with WOD for 6 workouts per week. 5x5 1st week, 5x3, next and finally 5x1 - rinse and repeat?
Why is it contraversal?
Anyway - Yes, my body is comp is now top's ridiculous I've let myself slide this far.
My initial reaction has been to return to an effective (for me) template of running and circuits as follows:
M - Tempo Run
T - Circuits
W - Interval runs
T - Rest
F - Circuits
S - LSD Run (or it could be a walk based on yesterday)
S - Rest
In the past I used light weights with very high reps - I think that doing circuits more WOD style, or adding in pretty heavy sandbags will help retain the strength I've built. I'm interested in this Black Box stuff though. Either way there is definitely going to be plenty of running and circuit style training.
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
Warm Up:
Mobility Exercises, 5 mins jog
Run: 15 mins Distance Covered - roughly 1.5 - 1.75 miles
AT estimated at around 167bpm (86%)
Comment: 2 things I took away from this today. First, that my AT is really high compared to overall Max HR. I seem to recall that it normally sits in the 70-80 range for the non-elite. I honestly believe that I have a really strong heart. Second, that I have lost so much speed in my running since starting Kettelbells and training for strength. I am undoubtedly stronger than I ever was, but I am also far heavier and slower and I'd say less "athletic" than ever I was. This was nothing more than a jog in pace today, mind you at just shy of 16 stone I wasn't expecting much.
It's time for another one of those re-thinks I like to have.
Tuesday, 19 August 2008
DL - 75 x 3 , 112.5 x 3, 150kgs x 1
Comment: Meant to be 150 x 3 obviously but it just didn't happen. My grip wasn't there at all, very frustrating. Must have been from the snatches on sunday I guess.
Press - 20 x 3, 30 x 3, 40kgs x 3
Comment: So easy, makes me wonder how I only did 1 rep of 50 the other day.
Snatch - 16 x 3, 24 x 3, 32kgs x 3
Comment: First time I've ever attemped the 32kgs. It wasn't so bad, could have done a few more no worries.
End of sports for today.
Sunday, 17 August 2008
36:36 PR
10 Sn L/R 16kgs (bit lame!!)
16kgs 16 reps @ 36:36 for 24 rounds PR - Total 384 in 28:48
Comment: Warm up was a bit lame - I'm getting away from all those re-hab mobility exercises that served me so well. Must start doing them again.
I think my previous best was 20 rounds of 16 for this protocol. As I recall my wrist got injured last time I was doing it and had to give it up. Even though I am a lot heavier my conditioning now is better so I was able to give full concentration to my hand position on the top (ensuring my wrist wasn't weak or bent back on lock out) and on saving my hands from getting shredded. Although this was working well with my newly sanded handle it proved to be 1 set too many on my right hand side when I noticed a tear on my little finger.
I was going to stop there anyway as my forearms were solid and my grip was altering to compensate for this - which is probably how the tear happened. All in all though I'm delighted to be knocking out PRs all over the place at present and am happy with how close I got to the target of 30 sets.
Franklin I'm going to anticipate a question - target is 30 sets of 18 reps before I go up to the 24 and the 15:15 protocol.
Martin just to inspire you even more to get a sand bag sorted out:
There's a 40, 30, 20, 10, 7.5, 5 and 2.5kgs so I can make up anything from 2.5 to 115 in 2.5 increments (don't need the 7.5, but had the bag over). As I was bringing them out to photograph it struck me that I could use the yellow bags for farmers walks as well. That would really sort out the old grip!!
Friday, 15 August 2008
Friday Mess Around
Pumps/Squats/ Halos
DeadLift - 100 x 2, 130 x 2, 150 x 1, 155 x 1, 160kgs x 1
Push Press - 16 x 5, 24 x 3, 32 x 1.......50kg sandbag with 2 hands x 1
Made a bit of a hash of what I wanted to get out of this really. The Deadlift went very well, but I had a fair bit more in me, should have been a PR day really. My grip was starting to give and I was really after KB P Press records so I stopped there. If I'd known where I was with it and planned it better I would have been close to time!!
Press went to pot when I started trying to tape the KBs together. Obviously I should have given it more thought than just inbetween presses. I decided that the last thing I needed was to injure myself with badly taped KBs so thought I'd switch to Sandbag that I made up yesterday...which was my 35th birthday.
The sandbag and KBs are like night and day and I did well to squeeze out the 50kgs for a press. I'm looking forward to grappling with these now.
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
Mobility - Pumps, squats, halos, ankles, shoulders and neck
Weights (3 mins rest between sets)
F Squat: 24kgs x 8, 40kgs x 8, 56kgs x 9 PR
P Press: 16kgs x 10, 24kgs x 10, 32kgs x 12 PR
Comment: A/W
Comments: A familiar pattern at present; PRs in the strength and a bomb out on the conditioning. VERY pleased with the F Squat and Push Presses though. I have doubled the reps for P Presses in less than 4 weeks. I'm tiring of it though so I shall get some duct tape and test to see if I can P Press the 32+16 KBs on Friday. Can't really do a Max test for the F Sq so as I failed to sell my barbell I'll test the old DL instead.
After this I plan to take a week of just conditioning stuff Vo2Max and LCCJs and then something similar to what I just been doing like DeadLift and Sandbag Presses or the ulimate minimalist exercise Sandbag C&Js. Been inspired by IronStyle of late.
Monday, 11 August 2008
Mobility - Pumps, squats, halos, ankles, shoulders and neck
Weights (3 mins rest between sets)
F Squat: 24kgs x 8, 40kgs x 8, 56kgs x 8 PR
Comment:A/W This exercise is ab-tastic!!
P Press: 16kgs x 10, 24kgs x 10, 32kgs x 10
Comment: A/W I've noticed that my traps are bigger from all these. Also I haven't weighed myself for a little while but my jeans are a bit looser on me too. I'll take these side effects of getting stronger :)
24kgs - 5 rounds of 20 100 total
Not great, will have to throw in an extra vo2 session sometime through the week.
Comments: Been kinda doing the warrior diet for a little while as it is handy if nothing else. I am grand doing the day to day stuff and do indeed feel more alert etc etc that it promises, but when it comes to training and especially the cardio stuff I am drained. Mind you I am still squeezing out PRs in the strength stuff so it can't be all bad. Also while I think about it, I'm getting up the reps now and into the realms of strength endurance which does make my heart thump quite a bit while doing it. I'll stick at it for a while though and see what happens - though I don't want to I'll split up the strength and cardio stuff if needs be.
Sunday, 10 August 2008
Pumps / Squats / ankle, wrist, shoulder mobility
Swings : 32kgs 20 x 10 in 14 mins
Comment: Not too bad, grip was suffering a little towards the end. Used HR monitor for rest. Went each time it dropped to 142 (75%)
Friday, 8 August 2008
Darth Fader
Mobility and corrective exercises
Weights (3 mins rest between sets)
F Squat: 24kgs x 7, 40kgs x 7, 56kgs x 7
P Press: 16kgs x 10, 24kgs x 10, 32kgs x 10
Comment: A/W
16kgs - 8 rounds of 8
Comment: As opposed to last week when my head was in the right place - tonight it wasn't. I felt pretty drained after the P Presses and I was telling myself that the whole way down to do my snatches. My breathing was all over the place, felt tired and basically quit before I got started really. But we get good sessions and we get bad sessions - still ahead of the curve in this program anyway, and Monday is a whole other day.
Wednesday, 6 August 2008
Do All You Have Agreed To Do
Weights (3 mins rest between sets)
F Squat: 24kgs x 7, 40kgs x 7, 56kgs x 7
Comment: A/W
Tough times for me of late - feeling the pressure and was a bit down today. I really couldn't be arsed doing anything but pig out....and in truth that was the plan. However I have just started the Richard J. Maybury Uncle Eric books on Economics, Geopolitics and Natural Law of all things. The Natural Law part consists of 2 basic laws, one of which is - Do all you have agreed to do. So instead of feeling sorry for myself I got up off my bed and did what I had agreed with myself to do....albeit the absolute bare minimum. It's much better being proactive than reactive.
Monday, 4 August 2008
Back with a vengence!!!
Warm Up:
Mobility and corrective exercises
Weights (3 mins rest between sets)
F Squat: 24kgs x 7, 40kgs x 7, 56kgs x 7 PR
Comment:A/W Maybe had a little more in me but will stick to 7 reps at least for 1 more session
P Press: 16kgs x 9, 24kgs x 9, 32kgs x 9 PR
Comment: A/W Hard enough, but again possibly a little more in me. Stick for another session.
16kgs - 80 rounds of 7 PR
Comment: In all honesty this wasn't too bad at all, could have gone on but for the mess of my right hand. I was using the cut off socks a la Tracy Rif, but it put all the friction further up the fingers and they got ripped to bits after 50 rounds. It was quite sore but my head was in the right place tonight and nothing was going to stop me.
Note: It's worse than it looks here and my fingers are bent in this pic and aren't only like 2 inches long!!
Stretches to finish.
General Comments: I think the key to todays PRs was that I was very efficient in each exercise. Felt very relaxed and conserved a lot of energy to get me through this with more to spare. High volume snatches are going to take their toll on my hands so I need to get them better protected for the long run. Overall I'm quite pleased with how it went. ;)