Monday 12 April 2010

Ankle Tilts / Ankle Pulls / Hip-Leg Circles / Thoracic Glides / Neck - Turns, tilts, glides / Shoulder Circles - top, bottom, front across, side back (Nerve Glide for shoulder pain throughout day)/ Elbow Circles / Wrist Circles

BW squats to above parallel Arms out in front - 50+ reps
GTG assisted pull ups using 2 x #2 & #3 powerbands

Food Intake:
3 Eggs (2 yokes)
1/2 tin black beans
1 cup frozen stirfry veg
1 tsp salsa

2 Turkey Burgers
1/2 tin black beans
1 cup frozen veg
1 tsp salsa
1 tsp guacamole

2 Turkey Burgers
1/2 tin black beans
1 cup frozen veg
1 tsp salsa
1 tsp guacamole

I'm going to give it a shot for the HKC in June. I only intend going for it if I can pass it and offset the cost of the RKC which intially means being capable of doing 5 pull ups. Currently I can't do one.

mc has formed a plan for me though. The early registration ends on May 15 - the plan is to hammer gtg pull ups and squats until then. I test and see how I'm doing. I have another session in the bank with her so we can take a look at my swing and TGU then.

I'm skeptical but I'll give it my best. If it doesn't work out, I lose nothing but I'm still better off than I am

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