20 reps each
Re-Screening from Secrets of the core
Did the Assisted and Resisted DL patterning earlier and was happy with how I performed. My set up wasn't ideal for the resisted exercise but I did a few KB DLs and suitcase lifts and was happy with how flat I was able to keep my back. I wanted to re-screen though before I went onto Level 2
Active Straight Leg Raise
Pass - scored 2 L/R barely, been a while since I have done any work on this and it looks like I will need to re-visit it periodically.
Toe Touch - also the Right side/Left side toe touch
Pass - with room to spare.
Bridge - 2 leg baseline bridge
Fine, good baseline in terms of height. Little or no tightness in hamstrings and lower back, and really felt my glutes firing.
Right/Left Single leg Extension Bridge
Stability good, no twisting, steady as a rock.
Cook Hip Lift
Good range of motion on both sides, able to trap tennis ball quite comfortably.
Push-up - standard push-up baseline
Static Push-ups with Right and Left Leg lift
Push-ups with Right and Left Leg lift
Was really stable in all the screens above - little right shoulder pain but that's an issue for later.
Crocodile Breath
Found it very easy to breathe into the diaphram for the suggested 5 mins.
Progressing to Level 2 which means that it is time to start the Secrets of the Shoulder program. I've had a little think about it and have decided to alternate days of DL and Shoulder work initially and see how it goes.
I will screen the shoulder tomorrow and as it only takes 10 mins do the following Level 2 DL work as well:
X Band
Cook Hip Lift
2 x 10
KB Suitcase DL - 3 x 5 @24kgs
Single Leg DL - 3 x 5 @ BW
Good Morning Stretch x 3
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