Monday, 31 March 2008
Super Easy Day
GTG TGU 24kgs 3-4 reps each time , Waiter walks
Sn 24kgs (10 x 5) L/R 16 mins Total 100
Janda Sit-ups 2 x5
Decompression Hang/Hamstring Stretch/ Shoulder Dislocates/Hip Stretch
9:30 am Asian Eggs
12:30pm Salmon and Feta Cheese with Salad - little low fat seafood sauce
15.00pm 10 Almonds and an Orange
18.00 Moroccan Lamb with rice (post workout)
20.30 Protein Shake with Blueberries/Strawberries/Yoghurt/Oats/Broccoli
Real easy snatches today - rested for around 60 - 90 secs between each set. Gearing up for the test on friday. Shoulder is sore again - aggrivated by the tons of press ups on saturday no doubt. I'll get the ice on it and I plan to take it pretty easy til friday anyway. Probably have a go at the RKC - I've never snatched the 24 for more than 5 reps either side and I only managed 40 L/R with the 16 a few months'll be a test for me alright.
Threw in a few janda sit-ups after watching them on a DVD last night, never do anything for abs directly and was happy I could do these no problems.
Spent a lot of time reading about some stuff by Jamie O'Keefe today Mouse - thanks for the heads up. He certainly gets very good ratings on amazon. I'll buy a few of his books but I want to stop reading about that stuff in books and practice some of it....I reckon ultimately I'll just have to do it myself. Highlighted again as I watched the news tonight about a gang of 30 armed with knives, rocks and broken bottles terrorized Belfast centre on Saturday. Could make you paranoid you know :)
Sunday, 30 March 2008
It did highlight to me yesterday that KBs aren't this be all and end all of training that I guess I was building them up to be in my head. They are a very versatile and useful tool but after I get this RoP out of the way I'll be using them more sparingly and introducing a much wider array of implements/exercises back into my training.
My SSST test may be in doubt on Friday....wrist didn't feel strong yesterday at all and I've been wondering how it would hold up - last thing I want to do is make it so bad I can't do any training. Been wondering if the RKC snatch test may be an alternative. It is harder in terms of going all out on one set but in overall terms there will be a lot less volume to contend with. Plus I "know" I won't be able to do the SSST, but I may have the RKC one in me - man, just checked I'd have to do 74 reps total.....I don't know will have to think about it. Whatever I do though I will be taking it easy this coming week to test....well something...on friday and then a few days later my max Deadlift.
Today though I just did a few gentle stretches (no bouncing or forcing), went for a 4 mile walk in the forrest and a few waiter walks and get ups.
10.00 Asian Eggs (BST here clocks went forward so I didnt have a lay in!!)
13.00 Vegtable soup with beef
15.00 10 Almonds and an Orange
17.00 Lamb and stir-fry
20.00 Protien Shake
Better organised today - not straving and eating the first thing I see like last night!!
Saturday, 29 March 2008
Krav Maga
At the end of the class there was a "pressure test" where 1 guy tried all the moves they had been taught over weeks of training. The knife attacks were a joke and the "defences" more laughable, I'd rather know to just run from knives than think I stood a chance squaring off with those techniques.
I will say that I was on the wrong end of take down of the class. Knocked the wind right out of me, but I swear I got up thinking "Man, I've got to learn some judo!!".
It was a bit of a laugh though and something different, but I got to say the best of it was that I got to drink some chocolate milk (poor man's Surge).
08.00 Eggs Bacon and veg
12.30 Chocolate milk, 10 Almonds and an Apple
15.00 Steak, veg and pepper sauce
19.15 Bacon sandwich and cup of tea*
*Slipped up here, I was craving something different and kinda messed up my routine after the 2 hour Krav Maga session. Don't feel guilty or anything about it though and will be back on the straight and narrow again tomorrow.
Friday, 28 March 2008
GTG TGU 24kgs 3-4 reps each time
1 handed Sw 32kgs (10 x 8) L/R 10 mins Top of the min Total 160
Decompression Hang/Hamstring Stretch/ Shoulder Dislocates/Hip Stretch
9:30 am Eggs, bacon and veg
12:30pm Salmon and Feta Cheese with Salad - little low fat seafood sauce
15.00pm 10 Almonds and a pear
18.00 Chicken and bacon in pasta sauce with courgettes and peppers along with Pasta (post workout)
20.30 Protein Shake with Blueberries/Strawberries/Yoghurt/Oats/Broccoli
Hard session - good news is no strains or sprains, really seemed to drain my strength as I went along though. Big difference from swings with 24kgs for sure.
Part of that feeling is also probably down to the fact that I have lost so much weight since I started to focus on it. I weighed in at 14st 11lbs this morning - which is a massive 10lbs drop in less than 2 weeks. I'm not counting calories and some of those meals are just piled on the plate. Never fails to amaze me the difference proper eating can make....its just working it out long term that has been the problem for me. Still have around 2st (28lbs) to go though.
Thursday, 27 March 2008
Yeah Martin, I thought it was quite an interesting suggestion too. He says himself that 5 days of DLing is tough.....for high rep sets of snatches I'll prob have to drop to the 16kgs KB anyway. I'll give it a shot and see how it goes, will talk to him a bit more when I've done it for a while.
Here's a bit more from my menu for you Franklin. You may well be noticing that it doesn't change much from day to day. My fav saying is "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"
9:30 am Asian Eggs
12:30pm 3 pieces chinese chicken drumsticks and a pear
14.30pm Salmon and Feta Cheese with Salad - little low fat seafood sauce
17.30 Steak and Roast veg with pepper sauce
20.30 Protein Shake with Blueberries/Strawberries/Yoghurt/Oats/Broccoli
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Not worth the wrist(k)
GTG TGU 24kgs various rep ranges Crush curls 16 kgs 5 reps
Sn 24kgs 7 L/R Top of the min 7 mins + 1 handed Sw 7 L/R top of min 3 mins Total 140
Decompression Hang/Hamstring Stretch/ Shoulder Dislocates/Hip Stretch
9:30 am Asian Eggs
13:00pm Tuna and Feta Cheese with Salad - little low fat seafood sauce
15.30pm 10 Almonds and an Orange
17.30 Chicken Curry with Rice (Post workout)
20.30 Protein Shake with Blueberries/Strawberries/Yoghurt/Oats/Broccoli
Was feeling pretty dam good today. Plenty of energy, probably from eating better. So I decided to do a medium snatch day instead of the swings. It was hard but I'd definitely have got all 10 sets had my wrist not caused me trouble!! It was the problem I had on the same wrist from doing a Vo2Max snatch session. I did a couple of sets with it, but figured it just wasnt worth it, and the swings didn't bother it at all.
There seems to be a little bit of swelling, but it isn't especially sore....just feels funny I guess. I'll ice it up tonight and see how it is tomorrow.
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
Rif's Advice
are you going to be deadlifting 3,4 or 5 days a week?I.How long are you going to do PtP and why?Just as a break from ETK?
You should add in swings one day after deads and snatches before on the other day.on swings go for total numbers in lower rep sets or ladders and in snatches you can do max vo2 or a few high rep sets or whatever else you like. then deadlift.
Thank you for the advice you left on Tracy's blog for me.
To answer your questions. I was planning on DLing 5 times per week for 6/8 weeks. 3 or 4 cycles - see how it goes. It is as a break I guess, but while RoP is my goal for the year I still want at least a 2 x BW DL as well.
The advice you gave was very interesting. Like nothing else I've heard from anyone else. Do you mean to do alternating days of sw/sn 5 times a week as well as DL, if my body can handle it? And I'm a little unsure about total number of swings, keep reps low, but mix up the sets/volume - for easy/med/hard sessions?
Again thank you for your time and advice.
All the best
5 times a week deadlifting is pretty tough so you might want to modify the swings/snatches to meet your energy of the day, but yes, add in either swings or snatches on those days,perhaps taking a day off midweek:
mon snatches/deads
tues deads swings
wed deads
thurs snatches deads
fri deads swings
on snatches just do 1-2 hi rep sets and on the swings do as much volume of lower reps(10-15)sets as you handle, confortably, at that time
You can also do the ETK ROP program and just add in Deads on the variety day.
Sw 32kgs (1 x 10) 2 handed + (4 x 5) L/R
Extensor work in sand, walks with the block and weight I have - 12kgs
Decompression Hang/Hamstring Stretch/ Shoulder Dislocates/Hip Stretch
9:30 am Eggs, bacon and veg. Green tea and fish oils (forgot to mention these yesterday)
1:30pm Salmon and Feta Cheese with Salad - little low fat seafood sauce
3.30pm Almonds and an Apple
18.00 Steak and stirfry with a bottle of beer
21.00 Protein Shake with Blueberries/Strawberries/Yoghurt/Oats/Broccoli
Missed Recharge this morning - slept in and I had work to do. Shall fit in some shoulder mobility and knee bends later though. Shoulder feeling a lot better, not going to change anything though sticking with TGUs. 24kgs feels quite easy really. Been doing them in 2s and 3s here and there, so I'll up that to 3s and4s.
Monday, 24 March 2008
Snatch day
GTG TGU 24kgs various rep ranges Crush curls 16 kgs 2-3 reps
Sn 24kgs 5 L/R Top of the min 10 mins Total 100
Decompression Hang/Hamstring Stretch/ Shoulder Dislocates/Hip Stretch
8:00 am Asian Eggs - 4 eggs 1 yolk, loads of veg and some soy sauce basically (lovely though)
11:00am 10 Almonds and an Orange
1:30pm Tuna and Feta Cheese with Salad - little low fat seafood sauce
4.00pm Little Feta cheese and an Apple
18.30 Chicken Curry with Rice (Post workout)
21.00 Protein Shake with Blueberries/Strawberries/Yoghurt/Oats/Broccoli
Felt good today - little evidence of the niggles that had been bothering me of late...long may it last. 100 snatches weren't too bad, though I'd say a little more than 50% effort. Had a pretty big dinner tonight, didn't eat carbs after this workout last week but I've been beginning to crave some carb action. Plus I went for a pretty long and hardcore walk....fierce winds here today. Also woke a few hours earlier this morning so 6 feedings instead of my normal 5.
Sunday, 23 March 2008
Upon Reflection....
I've been spending a bit of time thinking about my training though - mainly due to reading Train to Win by Martin Rooney. It's a book about developing a philosophy on training rather than programs to follow. There's a lot more to it that what I'm going to talk about here but for the moment at least it has really got me thinking about this year and what my goal is.
I posted about hardly being able to contain myself over the layout of my next cycle or phase I guess is more accurate. Circuits with sandbags, sledge hammers and tires etc etc. The question I have been asking this weekend though is - How will that aid me in getting to my goal? Which is Rite of Passage. In fact it is a little more than that, it is RoP at a bodyweight of 82.5kgs (13 stones / 182lbs)
Well, maybe the conditioning I got from doing random circuits would aid my KB SSST. Maybe they would even help my pressing strength. Though not as well as focusing on swings, snatches and cleans & presses for my conditioning would.
This is the goal I have chosen for myself at this time - and I think it is a pretty good one. The real fun stuff shall have to wait til there is a place for it in attaining a goal I have. I need to focus on doing the training that will work for me to get me to my goal in the most efficient manner.
I am still going to switch to PttP Deadlifts - I need to switch up my routine a little to prevent getting stale, and bored. It will strengthen my posterior chain which will certainly help with handling the heavier 32 KB and should prevent injuries like the one I sustained on friday. Also who reading this blog for any length of time doesn't want to know how ETK has affected my deadlifting? It's the little luxury I'm allowing myself on the new phase.
My shoulder is beginning to feel a little better, but one thing I know from my training through the years is that they do not like high volume with medium- heavy weights. So, I am going to continue to GTG TGUs with them. The word is that TGUs increase pressing strength. So lets see. Incidently I am going to go to GTG 24 KB tomorrow to see how they feel.
The mobility drills and stretches I have been doing can stay the same for a while. They wake me up in the morning and I'm buzzing after doing them. It is important though if I change it up later that I include ankle, knee, shoulder, neck and wrist exercises. These areas in particular I need better mobility and strength. Later they will become the focus for my goals.
Nutrition stays the same as the last week until it stops working. Then it will tweaks in quantities rather change of structure. It is a good long as I stick to it. I will also start to post briefly what I have eaten each day on here as well. This blog has sustained my training effort so I'd be missing a trick by not using it to hold me accountable for what I eat as well.
Finally then is the use of KBs for my conditioning and SSST improvement. I'll be honest and say that I do not know how I am going to fit it in yet!! VO2Max, L/M/H like RoP, longer duration with a lighter KB? I think that this blog may give me the answers though -
I have previously read about the chance of overworking the posterior chain when DLing and KBing. So it is something that I shall have to look out for. If this is the case then I can easily back off with swings/snatches and begin to introduce sprinting sessions. These have been mentioned in ETK as a way of improving cv for snatches.
I have a few weeks to research it and gather in suggestions, so no worries. Whatever way I decide to go it will be with my goal in mind.
Friday, 21 March 2008
Heavy day
GTG TGU/Waiter Walks/Crush curls 16 kgs 2-3 reps
1 handed Sw 32kgs (10 x 7) + (1 x 5) L/R 10 mins Top of the min, did extra 10 reps in last min
Decompression Hang/Hamstring Stretch/ Shoulder Dislocates/Hip Stretch
Feel like I have a bit of a strain in my mid back/lats - probably from trying to"muscle" the swings a bit. Found it very tiring on my hams and I'm guessing while not bad the form should have been better. Cardio was good here though and I threw in a few extra to get me up to 150 total. Few extra stretches and take it easy over weekend.
I won't get to my 250 target by end of this cycle but I reckon I would have significantly upped my max DL if I did!! Very curious now to find out how it has faired after this KB stint.
Diet going extremely well - 100% compliance from Mon- Fri and I have dropped 4.5lbs!! Not getting carried away though as I know it could be down to a whole number of factors and won't last, but is still very encouraging.
Thursday, 20 March 2008
Training Future
Shoulder 40kg sandbag left - pick up 24 KB right - walk 100ft
24 kg KB swings x 20
Shoulder 40 kg sandbag right - pick up 24 KB left - walk 100ft
25kg sandbag thruster x 15
Repeat - 30 mins (obviously not at a seriously high pace!!) This was last time I did it, hopefully should be good for heavier weights next time.
I like variations of this basic template - Carry / pull / carry / push - so it could be farmers walks with drums / chin ups / bear hug sandbag carry / barbell Clean and P Press.
Another I used to do was like Fight gone bad scaled down in that I'd do 3 minute rounds / 3 exercises /1 min each exercise / 30 secs between rounds.....normally only 3 rounds though!! So maybe Sandbag loading/unloading from ground onto a 3 foot highish platform - sandbag presses - jumps over the sandbag. Change it up for the next 3 minutes.
I like the sandbag as well because you can throw it without noise or damage.....and it costs £3 for 40kgs!!
Got lot of stuff from a friend (cheers Paul if you're reading) by Ross Enamait. Loads of different circuit ideas using KBs, sandbags, barbells, bodyweight, drums, sledge and tire. Beauty of circuits for me is that I like to just make it up on the day, thats the random factor from crossfit.
Limited only by imagination as well as the training principals I've learned from DD.

Training Past
Where to begin? Even though I've always been overweight, I've always been into sports and training. I was in my school teams at football (thatll be soccer to you), rugby, hockey and cricket. Was never the star of any team - but never last picked either. After I finished school I used to go to circuit training classes with my mates - circuit training has always been my favourite type of training. This wasn't too bad as it goes either thinking back - there were plenty of big bang exercises, multijoint full body etc rope climbing and the like.
It closed down though and I got into a military type training program. Marine Commando!! Bought a Heart Rate monitor and from not being able to run a mile I completed a half marathon within 4 months. Got pretty "fit" then, but did no strength outside push ups and situps :)
I have also dabbled in a few Martial Arts - Boxing, Kung Fu and Thai Boxing. In fact it was when I was in Thailand for a 6 week thaiboxing camp a few years ago that my ideas about training started to change. A friend there lent me a book by Charles Staley on martial arts training - it talked about power cleans, snatches etc. Exercises I'd seen but never been exposed to here in N Ireland. Ones I'd always considered too dangerous to be trying on my own. Reading this book however made me believe that not only was I able to do them - but I NEEDED to do them!!
Anyway when I got back home I contacted Charles and got programs off him for a few months. Through his forum and interviews he does it started to open up this whole new world of training for me. Strongman stuff really interested me - functional training. I realised that I didnt want to be stuck in a gym doing barbell exercises. This article here really started to fire my imagination!!
Somewhere along the way I got into to Crossfit - their ideal of someone who may not be the worlds best at anything, but capable for EVERYTHING is what I want out of my training. The circuit style of their training appealled to. Space and equipment was an issue really for following crossfit - plus I was the walking wounded half the time. I knew nothing of back off weeks, periodization etc. Then I picked up a lot of Pavels stuff - thats when a lot of things kinda clicked. I did PTTP and added 40kgs onto my still very poor DL in no time. But I really wanted to sort out the body comp - so I got into KBs while still throwing in circuits and DL into the mix from time to time.
Weather sucks here but the beauty of KBs are that you can use them in little space inside (as long as you hold onto them ;) ) so thats why I decided to go after the ROP in Novemeber. I really want to hit those circuits outside though in the sun again though. Believe it or not this is the really short version haha. I'll post some of the circuits I have in mind up above.
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
Medium Day
GTG TGUs + Crush Curls 16kgs 2-3 reps each time
Sw (6 x 6) 32kgs + (4 x 6) 24kgs L/R Total 120
Decompression Hangs / Shoulder Dislocates / Hamstring Stretch / Hip stretch
To my anonymous reader....REVEAL YOURSELF!! Haha Don't know how you found this blog but I'm glad my struggling is keeping you amused :)
The article Martin gave me was about using Crush Curls to help shoulder and elbow issues along with other conditioning stuff. It's a good read and can be found here. Didn't know anyone else was reading but in future I'll link anything I'm referring to.
Was supposed to be medium on swings tonight but found it pretty hard, so I had to drop to the 24s to keep it on the right side of hard.
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
GTG TGUs + Crush Curls 16kgs 2-3 reps each time (thks for the link Martin - good article)
Sw (1x5 32) 2 handed (1x5 40) L/R (4x5 32)L/R
Extensor work in sand / Block holds 12kgs 30 secs x 2
Waiter Walks 30secs x 4
Decompression Hangs / Shoulder Dislocates / Hamstring Stretch / Hip stretch
Looks like a lot I guess but spread over the course of a day I never broke sweat on any of it. Shoulder feels a bit better today, not as tight, so hopefully everything I'm doing is doing its job. Swings were interesting tonight - I figured that I'm supposed to be swinging heavier on variety days so I tried to swing both the 24 and 16 together. Did one set of 5 L/R, but they weren't especially high and I was all over the place. I might have another go later in the week - maybe tape them together this time who knows :)
Monday, 17 March 2008
100% for 1 month
As well as the food I drew up a little "Re-charge" routine to do every morning as follows:
From Superjoints
3 Way Neck - Shoulder Rolls - Wrist Circles - Finger Flexions - Elbow Circles - Eygptians - Arm Circles - Ankle Circles - Knee Circles - Deep Knee Bends - Hula Hoops - Belly Dancing - Cossacks - Spine Flexion X 20 Reps building to 40
From Resilient
Neck Rolls - Half Get Ups - Spine Rolls - Hip extensions - Good Morning Stretch Plus x 10 Reps
Begins to address what I consider my major weaknesses.
Sn 24 kgs 4 L/R x 10 Top of each min for total of 80 reps
GTG TGU 16kgs 2-3 reps each time
Stretching - Decompression Hangs, Hamstring Stretch, Shoulder Stretch and Hip stretch.
Snatches were easy. Get Ups are sore on left side when I suport myself doing Get Ups on the right, reckon it is because of the stretch it gets. I hate doing the stretches at the end of the day too - probably because I really need to do them ;)
Friday, 14 March 2008
Diet Rant
I'd have to say a resounding NO as well. Since I kicked back into this stuff in November I've come a long way toward hitting the goal that I set for myself. However I have GONE a long way from what I was expecting the realisation of that goal to mean in terms of body composition. I've trained pretty hard but have literally fed my body with whatever I felt like, whenever I felt like it. Result is that I am currently at the heaviest I have ever weighed - which is 3.5-4 stone over weight. It like carrying around a 24kg KB all day everyday! IT HAS GOT TO STOP!!!
This weekend marks the preparation for a one month stint of healthy food ONLY - 100% compliance. I shall do out all the charts and plan etc because I obviously need to treat myself this way. Hopefully somewhere down the line I can eat healthy instinctively, but until then this is how its got to be. No more of these gimmicky diets.
I know what I need to eat and what to avoid for my health and fitness - everyone does - so it won't be written down here but I'll write about my compliance, weight and generally how I feel doing it once a week. Time to fucking sort this out!!
240 One Handed Swings WOOHOO!!
GTG Half TGU 16kgs
Stoked with swings - seriously tough going but close enough to my 250 target. Start doing swings with 32kgs as of next week - may get this SSST cracked by end of this cycle :)
Gets Ups seemed to highlight the tightness in my left deltoid - they were easy enough but I guess the tightness was more exposed because of the length of time it takes to do one of these compared to a MP. Going to stick with this weight til it feels freer, continue with superjoints and maybe check out a stretch or two to do as well.
Thursday, 13 March 2008
Grip work including - extensor work, gripper and statics holds for time
Going to check out a few of the DVDs and books I have tonight for a look into some beneficial shoulder exercises. Like you suggested Martin I know TGUs are supposed to be good for rehabbing spent shoulders. I've never been able to shift much weight with them and due to safety/space/weather conditions am only able to do half get ups. If all roads lead there though I shall grin and bear it til I'm on the mend.
I had PT working on it a lot of years back after am embarassing squash incident (don't ask!!) - it seemed ok...until I started doing heavier KB work. Was the reason I stopped ETK last year, determined it won't stop me passing ROP this time though.
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Medium Day
Pretty easy - didn't really start to blow til the last couple of sets. Was working off a total on my hard day of 220 but I just might have a go at 12/12 for 240 on Friday.
Didn't do any pressing bar a few attempts at side bends with 16kgs....woeful form. Could do with giving my left shoulder a bit of time to sort itself....I've got 9 months to go up 8 kgs to hit my goal, so there's no rush :)
Missed variety yesterday so will do a few heavy swings tomorrow to make it up.
Monday, 10 March 2008
GTG 32kgs MP throughout the day
Was outside today and I guess I "attack" each rep more - as a result these felt very easy. Shall up it next week to 4. What really made this session though was having my 4 year old nephew DLing the 16kg KB once alternated with running along with me :) He's quite a sickly child, but maybe he can make into one of those fabled stories that Pavel puts at the start of his books.
Pressing is really hurting my left shoulder, I now feel way stronger with my right (non-dominant hand). Not sure how this came about....I'm going to stick at it though and monitor closely.
Saturday, 8 March 2008
Very pleased to get this today - felt like throwing up earlier, but it's as if I want to get the ROP out of the way now and do something different. It was fairly easy on the grip, felt it most on the legs and lungs - must be a sign of whatever illness I'm carrying.
Haven't done any pressing yet today - but I might get a couple of singles in tonight. Brought my number 1 gripper to put beside it....wouldn't want anyone pulling away from me at gripping as well as everything else ;)
Friday, 7 March 2008
GTG 32kg MP 5 singles (so far)
Been GTG all week, did plenty yesterday maybe 11 singles. Not feeling too great today though, so I switched my hard day with a variety day. Hopefully feeling better tomorrow and try to hit 200 1 handed with the 24kgs.
First time I've tried 1 handed swings with 32kgs. They were a bit ugly to start - pulling me all over the place - but I got a handle on it and really think that they are going to be my secret weapon to a great SSST .....when I can do a few hundred of them.
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
Accident free session!!!
GTG Back Up Press 32kgs
Not an injury or accident in sight ;)
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
Stitched up!!
GTG 24kg MP x 3 reps
Sliced my finger open last night when making my dinner - it's a bit nasty. I didn't fancy trying to control the 32 with only 3 fingers on my weaker right so I opted for the more manageable 24. It didn't feel so bad so I'll tape it up tomorrow and go back to the 32. Swings of course had to be 2 handed.
Feel like I'm falling to bits at the minute ;)
Diet still going well, had a few minor issues but I think I've addressed them. Seems I was being too strict....certainly not like me.
Monday, 3 March 2008
GTG Back up press throughout day
Wanted to start back conservatively with snatches with 24 - glad I did because I still seem to have a bit of a problem with my wrist. It doesn't seem to bother pressing or swinging but was ropey at best snatching. It'll be a week before I snatch again anyway so hopefully it'll be better by then.
Sunday, 2 March 2008
Getting Groovy
I can grind out a Military Press OK on both sides now and the weight feels a lot more manageable that when I first picked it up.
But.... I've been doing a bit of thinking and a bit of reading - a dangerous thing with me ;)
I have decided that for the next 6 weeks I am going to do the following remembering that my overall goals are 200 snatches in under 10 mins with 24kgs and to MP 40kgs with either arm:
M-W-F - Easy Snatches - Medium 1 handed Swings - Hard 1 handed swings with 24kg for 10 mins
Tu-Sa - Easy sets 1 handed Swings 32kgs & variety grip work
M-T-W-Th-F-Sa - GTG Back up press 32kgs. Varying the volume each day. Test every 2 weeks
Basically it is ETK ROP only subbing GTG presses for ladders. My goal here is strength, I want to press 40kgs once, not 24kgs 100 times. I want to be using the heavier weight and I am working from home at present so ideally suited to GTG my presses.
I have chosen to do back up presses over push presses because I cannot generate as much tension throughout my body with push presses. With the back up press I can give a little assistant in the sticking points and still focus of keeping myself tight through most of my body. I think this will be easier on my shoulders and put the empathise back on max strength, as where I was with ladders was more strength endurance.
The snatches and swings are obviously all about shoring up my grip, working conditioning and pushing up those snatch numbers. The goal is 250 1 handed swings in 10 mins at end of this cycle.
In 6 weeks I'm going to switch to PTTP style training, with conditioning that will continue to focus on SSST numbers. Before I start that though I will have a test day for ROP.