Friday, 7 March 2008

Sw 1 Handed 32kg 5 x 5 L/R - total 50 reps
GTG 32kg MP 5 singles (so far)

Been GTG all week, did plenty yesterday maybe 11 singles. Not feeling too great today though, so I switched my hard day with a variety day. Hopefully feeling better tomorrow and try to hit 200 1 handed with the 24kgs.

First time I've tried 1 handed swings with 32kgs. They were a bit ugly to start - pulling me all over the place - but I got a handle on it and really think that they are going to be my secret weapon to a great SSST .....when I can do a few hundred of them.


Anonymous said...

Strong work! I just wrote a whole comment and blogger ate it. Funny how every time the weight gets heavier we have to redefine what "tight" means. I always think I'm tight and then go heavier and think, "wow, I was really slacking before!"

Colin said...

Yeah, with me when I start off with a bigger weight I have to really focus on the key points of each lift. Ensuring that I'm tensed up all over and power breathing.

Then as I get used to the weight I use less and less tension to get it moving. Like with the 6 ladders of 5 reps I completed with the 24kgs - no way I'd have completed that staying super tight throughout each rep. Which is the wrong way according to Pavel's philosophy. I think this is why so many (myself included) cannot go to the next 1/2 pood up after completion of 5 ladders.

Something that I really like about GTG - I DO focus on getting myself as tight/tensed as I can on each and every rep - with 24 or 32. I think it is paying dividends too.