Thursday, 27 March 2008

Did absolutely nothing today!! Went shopping, watched a couple of DVDs and loved it. Seldom I do nothing on any day anymore. I'm going to a Martial Arts class on Saturday and could slow down a little in prep for my SSST next Friday - of course ice the wrist too. Franklin, I like the contrast buckets!! Recently got a book on learning guitar too - but I was thinking more rock than classical ;)

Yeah Martin, I thought it was quite an interesting suggestion too. He says himself that 5 days of DLing is tough.....for high rep sets of snatches I'll prob have to drop to the 16kgs KB anyway. I'll give it a shot and see how it goes, will talk to him a bit more when I've done it for a while.

Here's a bit more from my menu for you Franklin. You may well be noticing that it doesn't change much from day to day. My fav saying is "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"

9:30 am Asian Eggs
12:30pm 3 pieces chinese chicken drumsticks and a pear
14.30pm Salmon and Feta Cheese with Salad - little low fat seafood sauce
17.30 Steak and Roast veg with pepper sauce
20.30 Protein Shake with Blueberries/Strawberries/Yoghurt/Oats/Broccoli


Martin Schap said...

I don't know if I could DL 5 days straight. That is why I either do the 3 on 1 off like CrossFit recommends or the 3 on 1 off 2 on 1 off schedule I was using when I was writing my own strength programming recently. It allows me to go harder and it is mentally helpful to have my next day off always fairly close. The main disadvantage with 3 on 1 off is the off days rotate. Congrats on your rest day though. They can be pretty glorious sometimes. What type of martial art will you be doing? I would still like to do something like that, but have just never made it a priority I guess.

Colin said...

I've done a few 5 day PttP cycles before, weights were lighter obviously but I felt pretty good with it. Its no sweat though, I can easily drop wednesday out. Make a plan and tweak it as you go along.

I'm going to a Krav Maga class. I have been looking around for a class that is not sport based. I have been in the same boat as yourself, putting it off and off til I was fitter/stronger/richer etc etc. But there was a little incident on tuesaday that brought it to the fore.

Its a long and frankly non-eventful story but I own and service vending machines and wander around with the money. They could have the money - thats cool. But I want to learn some basic, effective, violent maneuvers in case I find myself left with no other options.