Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Medium Day

Morning Recharge
GTG TGUs + Crush Curls 16kgs 2-3 reps each time
Sw (6 x 6) 32kgs + (4 x 6) 24kgs L/R Total 120

Decompression Hangs / Shoulder Dislocates / Hamstring Stretch / Hip stretch

To my anonymous reader....REVEAL YOURSELF!! Haha Don't know how you found this blog but I'm glad my struggling is keeping you amused :)

The article Martin gave me was about using Crush Curls to help shoulder and elbow issues along with other conditioning stuff. It's a good read and can be found here. Didn't know anyone else was reading but in future I'll link anything I'm referring to.

Was supposed to be medium on swings tonight but found it pretty hard, so I had to drop to the 24s to keep it on the right side of hard.


Martin Schap said...

Smart move dropping it down to the 24kg. One of the hardest things sometimes, but a good call. How much longer on this cycle? Will you test ROP about mid April? I am losing track.
What will some of the circuits you are planning look like?

Martin Schap said...

Colin, I've been wondering about your training history. You were a CrossFitter for a while? What were you doing before/after that? I only know you as a KB guy, but it sounds like you've done a lot. Weren't you into EDT for a while too?