Saturday, 8 March 2008

Sw 1 Handed 24kgs 10 L/R top of each minute for 10 mins Total - 200

Very pleased to get this today - felt like throwing up earlier, but it's as if I want to get the ROP out of the way now and do something different. It was fairly easy on the grip, felt it most on the legs and lungs - must be a sign of whatever illness I'm carrying.

Haven't done any pressing yet today - but I might get a couple of singles in tonight. Brought my number 1 gripper to put beside it....wouldn't want anyone pulling away from me at gripping as well as everything else ;)


Martin Schap said...

Well, you'd better watch your back, because I am working that gripper. It is still very hard though. I've tried several times today and have yet to close it with the left.

Good work on the swings. I can't wait to see you try deadlifts. Your posterior chain must be rock solid from all the KB work.

Colin said...

Yeah getting VERY curious to see what progress I might have made in the deadlift too. A double weight DL has been a BIG goal of mine for a long time.

End of this cycle I'm going to test ROP and then DL 1RM a day or so after. Will have to go to the gym to do it so it had better be impressive.