Monday, 17 March 2008

100% for 1 month

Got myself organised over the weekend. Sorted what I need to eat and when (John Berardi style).

As well as the food I drew up a little "Re-charge" routine to do every morning as follows:

From Superjoints
3 Way Neck - Shoulder Rolls - Wrist Circles - Finger Flexions - Elbow Circles - Eygptians - Arm Circles - Ankle Circles - Knee Circles - Deep Knee Bends - Hula Hoops - Belly Dancing - Cossacks - Spine Flexion X 20 Reps building to 40

From Resilient
Neck Rolls - Half Get Ups - Spine Rolls - Hip extensions - Good Morning Stretch Plus x 10 Reps

Begins to address what I consider my major weaknesses.

Sn 24 kgs 4 L/R x 10 Top of each min for total of 80 reps
GTG TGU 16kgs 2-3 reps each time

Stretching - Decompression Hangs, Hamstring Stretch, Shoulder Stretch and Hip stretch.

Snatches were easy. Get Ups are sore on left side when I suport myself doing Get Ups on the right, reckon it is because of the stretch it gets. I hate doing the stretches at the end of the day too - probably because I really need to do them ;)


Martin Schap said...

Looks like a good plan Colin. I think you should reward yourself at the end for sticking to it. Get a piece of gear you've been wanting or something.

I remembered reading that crush curls are good for guys with elbow or shoulder problems. The article was on

Colin said...

My reward will be a SSST and finding my max DL. Followed by PTP along with some crazy circuits I'm dreaming up for conditioning :)

I know what you mean though - maybe should buy myself a bulldog in light of tonights training.