Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Corrections - Day 9

Amosov Daily Joint Mobility Complex - 15 reps each

Daily Corrections Exercises
ASLR stretches
Toe Touch exercises
X Band Walk
Quadruped Hip Extension
Hip Stretch
Cook Hip Lift - extra set on right side
Hip stretch

2 x 10 reps each

Comment - Tried to do a few of the Cook Hip Lifts while hugging my knee. Stability was all over the place so I compromised by doing them with my knee as close to chest as possible without holding. If you can imagine it was like having my thigh at a right angle to my torso. The difference in not only stability but also height off the ground was prominent.

I am hoping that the attention to the quality of the movements I have making will stand me in good stead. I am really champing at the bit to get Deadlifting again now, but I'm determined to go through all the phases without any shortcuts.

So much for not weighing myself until after Christmas. I jumped on the scales today to see what resulted from a weekend of being really good to myself (without going too overboard). I was delighted to see that I have dropped another 1 lb making a loss of 15 lbs from my high water mark and 3 lbs since I started this new program. Long may it continue. Best of all though is how much I am enjoying my food now.....off for a big slab of Lasagne. Mmmmmmm!!!


Anonymous said...

Mouse here,
Congrats on the weight loss and the continued progress. It will be challenging to keep it up over the next week or two.
I have work, Xmas, course work and my pre-hab -- I think of everything I do exercise wise as that these days. If it doesn't make me feel better,in the long run, what is the point of doing it.
Merrt Xmas and all that as well!

Martin Schap said...

Yes, if you can hold steady through Christmas that will be quite a thing. I think the new diet is very reasonable though, and thinking long term that will be key. Glad to hear you are enjoying your food and still progressing. Looking forward to the 2x bwt DL in 2009.

Colin said...

Thanks Guys - Merry Christmas to one and all!! :)

Mouse - thats a great way of looking at training. A point where I have got to myself. No point in being able to lift heavy if your back is constantly throbbing for example.

I'm not too worried about Christmas to be honest, and besides it is factored in. An S day if ever there was one.

As for that 2 x BW DL - SO doable.