Sunday, 7 December 2008

Training Goals 2009

“Make things as simple as possible, but not simpler.” Albert Einstein

Lose 26lbs – target 185lbs
Pass Functional Movement Screen

2 x BW Deadlift

40kgs Military Press (each arm)

To follow only the plan laid out below.

The Plan
NO S Diet
Amosov’s Daily Joint Mobility Complex
Secrets of the Core: The Backside progression
Secrets of the Shoulder progression
Test FMS and correct any remaining issues

NO S Diet – the only half sensible eating plan I can stick with
No Sweets No snacks No Seconds Except Sometimes on days beginning with S

I know it sounds a bit wacky and oversimplified but I don’t care. I want to slowly lose weight over the year and enjoy my food at the same time. If I get to next Christmas and don’t like what I see then I shall change it.

Amosov’s Daily Joint Mobility Complex
10 basic exercises designed to improve joint mobility – simple.

Forward Bends
Arm Circles
Side Bends
Shoulder Touch
Torso twist
High Knees
Pulls Ups
Sit Ups

Throughout the day I also do wrists/neck and ankle mobility.

Secrets of the Core: The Backside
To rid my body of imbalances and poor movement patterns that may cause injury or impede performance Deadlifting.

Screening - (assessing static and dynamic stability) 1 Day
Active Straight Leg Raise
Toe Touch - also the Right side/Left side toe touch
Bridge - 2 leg baseline bridge
Right/Left Single leg Extension Bridge
Cook Hip Lift
Push-up - standard push-up baseline
Static Push-ups with Right and Left Leg lift
Push-ups with Right and Left Leg lift
Crocodile Breath

Corrections- 2-3 weeks
ASLR fix - doorway leg lower
Toe Touch fix
Chop and Lift - core exercise

Level 1 – 1-2 weeks
Patterning - 2 leg stick DL and Single leg Stick DL
Assisted DL - band and stick
Resisted DL - band and stick

Level 2 – 2-4 weeks
Band DL
KB and BB Suitcase DL

Level 3 – Until I reach goal of 2 x BW DL
Sports Deadlift (aka - the Single leg Deadlift - contra-lateral load)
Barbell DL

Secrets of the Shoulder progression
To rid my body of imbalances, poor movement patterns and trigger points that are causing injury and impeding pressing performance.

Screening - 1 Day
Shoulder Flexibility
Impingement Test
Grip test
Trunk Rotation
Prone Press Up
Crocodile Breath
Push-up - standard push-up baseline

Corrections- 2-3 weeks
Stick work/T-spine
Shoulder Packing
Reach Roll and Lift
Arm Bar
Half Get Up

Level 1 – 2-4 weeks
DL Variations
KB Swing
Push Up/Row

Level 2 – Until I reach goal of 40kg MP
Military Press
Turkish Get Up
Pull Up

The time frames can only be a guess at this point. I must stay with them until I am proficient with each level and earn the right to move on.

There is some overlap between the core and shoulder programs. To help avoid some of that and to start things off slowly I will only do the Core progressions initially. When I am at Level 2 then I will start screening for the shoulder. I have been experiencing a little pain in my right shoulder while GTG press ups lately. This can give it a chance to heal up.

When I reach the higher levels the choices of exercises will give me scope to vary things whilst still focusing on my overall goals.

The Law
There are two laws that I have been trying to integrate into my life over the past few months. They form the basis of common law and are common to all the world’s major religions. Not that I am religious, but they struck a chord with me and I have been using them to good effect.

They are:

Do everything you have agreed to do.

Do not encroach on other people or their property.

When you begin to think about them there isn’t much that they don’t cover in contractual or criminal circumstances. And trust me when there are kids around who continually ask for things, it makes you stop and think before you promise anything if you try and follow these laws.

Why do I bring this up? Well I agree here and now to follow this plan to my full ability for 12 months or until I reach all the goals above; whichever comes first. I am confident by following this program and heeding the laws above I will comfortably reach my goals for the year.

I don’t mind anyone reminding me of this if I should start to become an outlaw at any stage.

1 comment:

Franklin said...

Holy mackerel! .. that's a fantastic plan. Well thought out .. love the No S Diet. I'll now be checking in regularly with your progress.