Tuesday, 6 May 2008

H/R - 50bpms

Pumps / Knee Bends

DL 9 x 1 110kgs - still grand, lower back felt a little stiff but nothing serious.
Decompression Hangs

GTG Jerks 24kgs 5 L/R - pause for few seconds at lockout
Decompression Hangs / Hamstring Stretches / Hip Stretch

Done a few sets today so far, won't be doing too many more. Want to see how my shoulder reacts. It was a bit sore this morning but more like DOMS than an injury.


Martin Schap said...

Will you be doing GTG jerks as a regular part of your routine or is that just something you are messing with today? Again, nice job on the DL. Good to see that the jump in weight has treated you well. I did indeed read the article you linked. I was on the road for work a lot and often only had my 16kg and my bodyweight. I would do the C&Js as a way to break up the tedium of the endless swings, snatches, burpees, etc. When I say it was worthless I just mean I was too strong for the weight to work me out very much. I got a lot more "cardio" benefit from swings and burpees, and for the strength end I was better served by HSPUs, etc. I would be interested to try it again with the heavier bells now that i have them, and perhaps this fall I will.

Franklin said...

Great progress! After reading your post and link on LCCJ I did some last night RKC hard-style with the 24kg both left and right (resting between arms) and it was VERY tough .. ugh, my left shoulder is also sore this morning.

Back in mid Feb I was doing 5 to 7 sets of 4 to 5 reps with double 24kgs (more GS style) alternated with double 32kg swings. I don't think I could do that now :(

How much time are you averaging between the 110kg singles recently?

Colin said...

Adding them in regularly as long as the shoulder can take it...which so far it can.

I haven't trained it directly for over a month now I guess. Would hate to lose all the pressing power I got from endless C&Ps.

As for the deadlift it might be a touch heavy. I've already decided not to increase it next week and I'll have no ego trouble going back down to 105 or 107.5 if I feel I need to.

Colin said...

I think it gets the h/r up quicker than the snatches do for me. Maybe just as it's a new exercise for me...who knows?

DLs - normally around 1 min, never longer than 2 mins. If it feels good you shouldn't need longer.

Franklin said...

Colin, thanks for the reply and as usual I have a follow up question:

At 110 kg, I assume you could perform a set of 5 reps without too much difficulty. Are five singles with a minute or two rest between that much easier than just doing the 5 reps one after another at this weight?

I ask because at my 70% of my 1RM (170 lbs)I always have the most trouble with the 1st rep and then others follow much smoother as I haven't let go of the bar and I'm grooved by then. Then again I've never tried resting between reps.

Colin said...

Personally I always re-set between each rep when doing up to 5 reps. Takes no more than a second or two but I guess you could say it’s 5 singles really. This is a form thing, prefect practice and all that. (Though I'll have to take a video someday and post it for someone to tell me how ugly it undoubtedly is.)

A set of 5 with a given weight is always going to be "harder" than 5 singles with 1-2 min rest. Your system has more time to recover for the next effort.

In this case it is not that taxing on you for sure. You’ve no doubt heard me banging on about how I feel better after these sessions. Remember also though that I start the week with 3 and work up to 15 reps come the end of the week. Not going to be banging those out in one set.

I do no warm up other than the mobility drills when I fall out of bed. Sometimes it takes me one or two so that it feels like I want it to. Getting that perfect groove is your goal with 5 reps and mine also with every rep.

Colin said...


I am actually just below 70% and it has felt a little heavier than I want. I have the feeling that 65% may be more optimal for me in this protocol. I think everyone would need to experiment with this.

It would then remain to be seen how much I gain with this.