Saturday, 26 April 2008

Killer Bells

Mobility - em.....let's see....stretched while laying in bed and bends at the put on my socks. Been slacking with these lately, have to pick it up.

DL 3 x 1 102.5kgs - easy, technique is getting better too I feel - which of course makes it even easier.

KB workout
The Dream
• Warm up 10 swings, 10 snatches, 10 switch 10/10 = 1 minute
• 1-minute work, 1-minute rest
• 1 arm swing w/24kg 1 minute x 2 setsLR
• 1 arm swing w/16kg 1 minute 3 sets LR
• H2H swing w/24kg 1 minute x 2 sets LR
• H2H swing w/16kg 1 minute x 3 sets LR
• 2 hand swings w/24kg 1 minute x 5 sets
• Snatch w/16kg 1 minute x 5 sets RL
• Clean and squat w/24kg 1 min x 2 sets LR
• Clean and squat w/16kg 1 min x 3 sets LR
• Double cleans w/16/24kgs 30 seconds x 10 sets
• Double swings w/16/24kg 30 seconds x 10 sets
• 30 minutes of work, 30 minutes rest

The Reality
• Warm up 10 swings, 10 snatches, 10 switch 10/10 = 1 minute
• 1-minute work, 1-minute rest
• 1 arm swing w/24kg 1 minute x 2 setsLR
• 1 arm swing w/16kg 1 minute 3 sets LR
• H2H swing w/24kg 1 minute x 2 sets LR
• H2H swing w/16kg 1 minute x 3 sets LR
• 2 hand swings w/24kg 1 minute x 2 sets

5 mins rest mainly spend contorting my face, breathing heavy and shaking my head.

• Snatch w/16kg 1 minute x 1 sets RL
• Clean and squat w/24kg 1 min LR
• Double cleans w/16/24kgs 30 seconds x 2 sets
• 15 minutes of work, 20 minutes rest

Little bit of farmers walks with the 16 + 24 as well.

Took this from another crazy KBer's site today - to be honest I didn't really expect to get right through it, but thought I'd have a go. Big respect to Regina Hurley for working her way through that session. If you think you have good form with swings, throw in some H2H work and watch it fly out the window initially. Also it was the first time I'd even tired doing doubles - two different weights didn't help obviously but man they are a different animal too!!

Was a good session though - enough for me and I enjoyed it.


Martin Schap said...

That circuit looks ugly. Congrats on sticking it out. I am sure you are a better man for it. Dls looking solid.

Martin Schap said...

Forgot to say shame on you for slacking off on the mobility and not taking your heart rate.

Franklin said...

Yes, great circuit work .. more of that while keeping the intake reasonable and you will easily reach your weight goal.

Also nice to see you started your second week with the Justa singles. I am looking forward someday to being able to do 15 singles with 100kg .. wow!

And if you don't mind, it would be great to see a summary of your DL training and progress before you temporarily put it down to focus on KBs.

Colin said...

Yes the eating definitely needs sorted - though I'm not sure how many sessions like that I'd have in me in a week. Very stiff today.

I dunno about the 15 DLs, after trying "lopesided" doubles yesterday you get big respect for all your KB work of late. When I switch the focus back to them I'll be dipping into your posts for inspiration and ideas. I reckon you have a much bigger DL in you.

I plan to test my DL 1RM at the end of this week all being well. Then I'm going to do another 8 weeks. I'll definitely put up a summary then.