Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Recharge Routine
Waiter walks
Sw 32kgs (3 x 10) 2 handed Total 30
Levering - "rainbows" 3 x5
Decompression Hang/Hamstring Stretch/ Shoulder Dislocates/Hip Stretch

9:30 am Asian Eggs
12:30pm BBQ Chicken legs with Salad and balsamic vinegar
15.00pm 10 Almonds and a apple
18.00 Steak, roasted veg and pepper sauce
21.00 Protein Shake with Blueberries/Strawberries/Yoghurt/Oats/Broccoli

Another very easy day - hardest part was the re-charge in the morning. Gave my shoulders a bit of a break by not GTG TGUs, though I did do a few as part of re-charge. Levering was easy too - don't want to take any chances with them so I shall build up slowly. I used an old screw lock dumbell with weights on one end and taped foam on other for a thick handle...works well. Also got soaked today when I went for a 3 mile walk. Something I never count really but will say again its a rare day when I don't walk at least 3 miles.

1 comment:

Martin Schap said...

Good stuff Colin. I need to start walking more. It's one of my favorite types of exercise, but since we are just coming off of winter and we have this tiny baby around we just don't seem to get outside as much. That's ok though. She is getting bigger and more sturdy and the weather gets a little better every week.
Keep shoring up that wrist. Seems that is your weakest link. I will be interested to see your grip goals. That is the newest addition to my training and the aspect I know the least about, so I really want to see what works best for others as I figure out what works best for me.