Sunday, 9 May 2010


Z-Health - first day I've missed doing Z Health since I started this blog again. Writing this on Sunday (still not having done any today so far) I can tell you that I still feel pretty good and in no pain. Don't know how long it would take the pain to come back, nor do I have any intention of finding out. DO YOUR Z HEALTH EVERYDAY!!

GTG assisted Chin Ups - about 50 reps

Food Intake:
5 Eggs ( 1 yoke)
2 cups Stir fry veg
1/2 cup of oatmeal
1 cup skimmed milk
3 fish oil capsules
Green Tea

100g Chicken
3 whole wheat tortillas
1 cup peppers
Salsa & Guacomole

Can of Tuna
1 Large baked potato
1 cup peppers
Red Onion & Lettuce
Cajun Dressing

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