Thursday, 6 May 2010

Swing Sets/Reps Clarification

Cheers Paul - good to know I have at least one visitor ;)

MC timed me doing a set of 5 swings: worked out at 8 secs. Then she said "Oh this will work out perfectly! At least it does with cyclists, so it should for swings." I'm a guinea pig I think.

So the craic is to do a set of 5 swings (8 secs on) and then rest for 12 secs. Repeat for 20 mins which is 60 rounds.

I thought to myself that there's no way I'd get close to going for 20 minutes, but it was actually pretty easy. Though my glutes and hams have been letting me know about it ever since.

Should be noted that my focus at the minute is fat loss and practice of the three lifts for HKC.

I also discussed how I'd get up to some decent numbers in swings in the past and just be absolutely ravenous, then break down and binge....for around 2 months. The reply was that there was absolutely no need for that level of work if I was looking for fat loss. I should be lossing a steady 1-2lbs per week and feeling stronger as the weeks go by with my KB practice.

Sounds good to me!!

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