Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Another Year Over
One of the disadvantages of blogs I have always thought is it is difficult to get a quick overveiw of your past training. It certainly took me ages to get 6 months through it, but it was worth the effort.
I have been starting to think about how I am going to set about the double body weight dead lift and 40kgs MP goals I've set myself for 2009. I've got a month of corrections yet I feel but you should know by now how I like planning a program.
Anyway going through the blog a few things shone out:
LCCJ race to 100 with Franklin - man I had forgot how hard those suckers were, and how focused I had become to get there first. It was certainly of great benefit to us both. Maybe another friendly common goal later in the year would be fun for a change of pace.
My shoulders were trashed the entire way through - I just accepted that it was part of lifting and hoped that it wouldn't interfere too much. I am so glad that I decided to make a concerted effort to address this and all the other "little niggles".
The support and advice that I got from you guys - invaluable, especially when I am surrounded by people who have little interest in my hobby. Thanks.
Finally there was my DL experiment (Look through May 2008) - it was actually working out very well. I DLed for 30 days straight at one stage, and was putting out sessions like this: DL - 95 x 1, 100 x 1, 105 x 1, 110 x 1, 115 x 14 .....and then doing snatches or swings later in the day!!
I seemed to be testing for a new 1RM DL or LCCJ or RKC Snatch test every week in May! Man I look back now and wonder how I didn't permenantly burn myself out. If I was to be doing that little experiment again - and I am seriously thinking about it - then I'd just be doing DLing and I guess the same with MPs.
I want to do 2-3 months of out and out strength work when I feel I have the corrections down and switch to 2-3 months of ETK after that. I was looking through a few programs like 5x5 and remembered how much I dislike doing so many reps in a set for the DL.
Plus there were two great things about that experiment - firstly I hit a PR of 162.5kgs and secondly there were some great discussions about it on here. I need to put a little more thought into it, but I see no reason why it wouldn't work again.
Stiff as a Board
20 reps each
Corrective Exercises / DL work
GTG Trainer CoC - 5 reps every 2-3 hours
Lats and Shoulders trigger points with tennis ball
Side Lying Rotation
Shoulder Rotation
2 x10
X Band
Cook Hip Lift - would never have believed it, but they are beginning to get easy!!
2 x 10
SLDL Patterning 2 x 5
Suitcase DL 24kgs KB raised 2" - 2 x 5 left side / 3 x 5 right side - last set off the floor. Lower back rounding a little.
Toe Touch x 10
Shoulder Stretch - best described here
Comments - Woke up this morning stiff and sore around the shoulders and throughout my mid section, back and front. Those new exercises really did a number on me. I loosened up a bit after the mobility, but I was pulling some strange faces when I did them again just now.
I usually do my tennis ball work around the shoulder against a wall, but I put in on the floor today and worked at it. I hit some serious hot spots, one of which made my whole right arm go numb - not sure it was meant to do that! So it was definitely a no pain, no gain day. All good though.
Only other thing to report is that I can get lower to the suitcase DL on my left than my right.....don't know what the hell that means, hamstrings had the same (lack of) flexibility on both sides. Whatever - rounding of lower back bad, no lifts from the ground until I lose it.
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
DL work and Shoulder Corrections
20 reps each
Corrective Exercises / DL work
GTG Trainer CoC - 5 reps every 2-3 hours
Lats and Shoulders trigger points with tennis ball
Side Lying Rotation
Shoulder Rotation
2 x10
X Band
Cook Hip Lift
2 x 10
SLDL Patterning 2 x 5
Suitcase DL 24kgs KB raised 2" - 2 x 5 left side / 3 x 5 right side
Good Morning Hamstring Stretch x 3
Shoulder Stretch - best described here
Comments - Great session - feel great after it! Trigger point work and the two shoulder exercises I added in are hell....but I already know that they are going to do wonders for me.
I am worse at touching my left shoulder to the ground with the side lying rotation exercise - quite a bit in fact, which didn't show during the test. Prehaps I was cheating it somehow and didn't realise so I'm glad I've done these. I will be doing 2 sets of 10 on that side and only 1 on the other which is almost as it needs to be.
I have a strong feeling that the shoulder rotations alone are going to "fix" my right shoulder. My right side is a long way off the range I get with my left and I feel the stretch right where I get pain from pressing. I did a press up when I finished and the pain was substantially reduced. Again 2 sets to 1 right and left.
Was weaker on my right side for the suitcase deadlift too (where did all these imbalances suddenly spring from?) so did an extra set. Raised the KB a little off the ground to start and plan to drop it to the deck when I feel comfortable, go to the 32kgs and then to the barbell. Might just move onto the next stage when I am ready to start pressing proper, hopefully in a month of so.
Finished off with some very good stretches and I don't mind telling you again that I am feeling great. Oh and I'm down to 14st 10lbs too - isn't the world wonderful? Haha
Monday, 29 December 2008
Shoulder Screen
20 reps each
Screening From Secrets of the Shoulder
Neck - Left/Right & Forward/Backwards
Fine, no pain, no imbalances and pretty good flexibility
Shoulder Flexibility
Not the most flexible of shoulders and it is slightly worse on the right hand side. Even begins to feel a bit painful when I push towards my limit.
Impingement Test
No pain for either of these.
Grip test
CoC #1 - about 1/2 inch off closing on both sides. Not great but at least symmetrical.
Good. I tend to breath into my belly anyway so problems for me here.
Trunk Rotation
Past 45 degrees on either side and pretty symmetrical. A lot better than I expected, prehaps the thoracic spine mobility I do every morning is already paying off. (I still hate it though!)
Prone Press Up
A bit of pain in right shoulder and a little impingment in the lower back.
Crocodile Breath
5 mins Easy
Push-up - standard push-up baseline
Quite a lot of pain in the right shoulder.
OK, so there is a definite problem with the right shoulder under a bit of loading, some lower back issues and when I go to the floor for some of the corrections I am not getting enough t-spine mobility. So even though I passed the test above I shall go through the correction exercises. In the DVD they all build upon each other and the t-spine can be the cause of all number of shoulder issues apparently.
So the corrections progression will be as follows:
GTG Gripper throughout all stages
Stick work (or tennis ball work in my case) around Lats, Shoulder and Tri-ceps.
Side Lying Rotation
Shoulder Rotation
2 x 10 each side
Trunk Rotation
Reach Roll and Lift
2 x 10 each side
And finally
KB Arm Bars
Half Get Ups
I had said yesterday that I'd do Shoulder and DL work on alternate days but given that there are so few exercises to add for the shoulder I plan to just add them straight in and do them every day. If I find I'm getting a bit tired or whatever then I'll drop the DLs or possibly everything for that day and rest.
I haven't done any of the DL work tonight as I went for a long hike in the forrest this afternoon and my legs are already tired.
Sunday, 28 December 2008
Screening Day
20 reps each
Re-Screening from Secrets of the core
Did the Assisted and Resisted DL patterning earlier and was happy with how I performed. My set up wasn't ideal for the resisted exercise but I did a few KB DLs and suitcase lifts and was happy with how flat I was able to keep my back. I wanted to re-screen though before I went onto Level 2
Active Straight Leg Raise
Pass - scored 2 L/R barely, been a while since I have done any work on this and it looks like I will need to re-visit it periodically.
Toe Touch - also the Right side/Left side toe touch
Pass - with room to spare.
Bridge - 2 leg baseline bridge
Fine, good baseline in terms of height. Little or no tightness in hamstrings and lower back, and really felt my glutes firing.
Right/Left Single leg Extension Bridge
Stability good, no twisting, steady as a rock.
Cook Hip Lift
Good range of motion on both sides, able to trap tennis ball quite comfortably.
Push-up - standard push-up baseline
Static Push-ups with Right and Left Leg lift
Push-ups with Right and Left Leg lift
Was really stable in all the screens above - little right shoulder pain but that's an issue for later.
Crocodile Breath
Found it very easy to breathe into the diaphram for the suggested 5 mins.
Progressing to Level 2 which means that it is time to start the Secrets of the Shoulder program. I've had a little think about it and have decided to alternate days of DL and Shoulder work initially and see how it goes.
I will screen the shoulder tomorrow and as it only takes 10 mins do the following Level 2 DL work as well:
X Band
Cook Hip Lift
2 x 10
KB Suitcase DL - 3 x 5 @24kgs
Single Leg DL - 3 x 5 @ BW
Good Morning Stretch x 3
Saturday, 27 December 2008
Corrections/Patterning progressing
15 reps each
Daily Corrections Exercises
Toe Touches
X Band Walk
Glute Bridge Marching
Cook Hip Lift (tennis ball)
2 x 10 reps each
DL patterning - 3 x 5 (double and single leg)
Comment - Upped the reps on the mobility routine and wanted to check my toe touch - easily touching the ground to my second knuckles. DL patterning went so well today that I am going to have a go at the Assisted and Resisted DL tomorrow. This still comes under patterning but if I like what I feel then it shall be onwards and upwards to Level 2 and the Suitcase DL for about 4 weeks.
On Christmas morning I weighed myself for a bit of fun to see how much weight I'd rack up over the next few days. I was 14st 11lbs and this morning was 14st 12.5lbs. Not too much damage, to be honest I still followed the same 3 square meals a day pattern (only they were bigger squares!).
I've been doing it now for over 3 weeks and it appears to have become a habit. Now the plan is to check the weight weekly and if there has been no weight loss then to reduce food portions a little. I'd like to keep ticking over at around a pound per week.
Friday, 26 December 2008
Ankles - Exercise 1 Exercise 2
Hips - Leg swings Side to Side Front/Back
Thoracic Spine - Exercise
Shoulders - Circles Front/Back
Neck - Up/Down Left/Right
Wrists - Up/Down Side to Side Circles
Knees/Hips - High Knees
10 reps each (plan to build these up quickly to at least 35)
Daily Corrections Exercises
X Band Walk
2 legged Hip Bridge
Glute Bridge Marching
Cook Hip Lift (tennis ball)
2 x 10 reps each
Good Morning Hamstring Stretch x 3
DL patterning - 3 x 5 (double and single leg)
Comment - This is the mobility complex I started yesterday and shall be carrying on with for quite some time I should imagine. I hate more or less everyone of these drills - which means that I need to do them. When I phase out the corrections I shall probably throw Pumps into this as well. It is a great overall movement that I find gives me a great stretch and really wakens me up too. I believe that it has also helped to releive the pain I was having in my right shoulder.
Corrections and Patterning went well. I shall be dropping the 2 legged Hip Bridge from now on as it is too easy and I know where my glutes are now. The single leg patterning stuff in particular is really hitting the spot and it feels like I am getting plenty of work from the hamstrings and glutes.
Mouse sent me a link to a great Q&A with Eric Cressey yesterday. As I said in my response to Mouse I think that Eric Cressey's answer echoes the Levels that Cook and Jones lay out. It goes a bit further to explaining the whys and wherefores for me though. I am also beginning to see from reading about re-hab, pre-hab or whatever you want to call it that it is not straightforward and one size does not fit all. It is a bit like a puzzle where "correcting" one thing will knock something else out of whack. Or everything could be lined up but the movement pattern just hasn't been programmed in as Cressey says. It really is very fascinating stuff once you get into it.
I was also interested to see him mentioning rack pulls as I had been thinking about them lately. I was considering that I may just have to raise the bar off the ground more if at the end of this process I still couldn't maintain a flat back for the DL proper. Not ideal but I'd still get stronger and better than risking ending up in a wheelchair later in life!!
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Daily Corrections Exercises
X Band Walk
2 legged Hip Bridge
Glute Bridge Marching
Cook Hip Lift (tennis ball)
2 x 10 reps each
Good Morning Hamstring Stretch x 3
Hip Flexor Stretch x 2
DL patterning - 3 x 5 (double and single leg)
Comment - There's to be a shake up in my daily mobility. I'm going to drop what is easy and work on what is hard from now on. I haven't fully decided what exercises are in and what is out but preliminarily I'd say Ankles, Hips, Thoracic Spine, Shoulders, Neck, Wrists. I'd also want to make sure I keep the Toe Touch I've worked hard for so I'd be doing that in some shape or form everyother day at least. I'm not concerned about saying I'd do Amosov and then changing - what's impotant is that I am doing joint mobility daily and that my joints are improving.
Good corrections session to finish off for Christmas. I had a go at doing the Cook Hip Lift properly with the tennis ball and was just barely able to keep hold of it on both sides for all reps. The idea is that if the hip flexor of the working leg is tight the other leg will peel off your body as you extend and you won't be able to trap the tennis ball between thigh and hip. It was a little harder on the right side and in truth my big belly may have helped me a little but there is great improvement here none-the-less.
I did a stretch-along-with-Pavel after this for good morning and hip stretch and really started to feel the stretches. I was then very pleased after I finished up my patterning stuff and showed real improvement on the single leg exercise especially. I know I was getting it right because my glutes were doing ALL the work.
Christmas Day off for me, back at it on Boxing Day. Merry Christmas to anyone who reads and thank you for your advice and support over the last year.
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Daily Corrections Exercises
X Band Walk
2 legged Hip Bridge
Glute Bridge Marching
Cook Hip Lift
2 x 10 reps each
DL patterning - 2 x 5 (double and single leg)
Comment - Knees felt a bit suspect today. I dropped squats of any kind this morning and didn't do as many reps on the patterning drills.
My hamstrings are also a little sore today - been getting some aggressive stretching last few sessions. I thought this might happen so I shall only do the Good Morning Stretch every other day from now on. Hamstrings get a bit of abuse from those patterning drills and Pavel only recommends 3 times per week anyway.
Plan to do a bit again tomorrow and then do no more than mobility on Christmas Day.
Monday, 22 December 2008
Corrections/Patterning - no more day counts
Daily Corrections Exercises
X Band Walk
2 legged Hip Bridge
Glute Bridge Marching
Cook Hip Lift
2 x 10 reps each
Standing Good Morning Hamstring Stretch x 3
DL patterning - 3 x 5 (double and single leg)
Comment - Cook hip lift coming along - YAY! Improvement is really noticeable now. At last I believe that someday I will be able to trap the tennis ball on my non-working leg.
Although I had really limited movement in forward flexion from the hips I was really beginning to realize how a DeadLift should feel tonight. My hamstrings were really contracting as I kept my back flat against the stick. Less bending of the knees and driving through with the glutes to upright.
I find the single leg stuff easier for this and wasn't as wobbly as the previous night. I hope that I improve the 2 legged version as quickly as other exercises. Then I'll really be motoring.
Excellent resource for pre-hab/re-hab/mobility/stability/activation stuff.
Sunday, 21 December 2008
Day 14 - Corrections/Patterning
Daily Corrections Exercises
ASLR test - 2/2 Pass with 2-3 inches to spare
X Band Walk
2 legged Hip Bridge
Glute Bridge Marching
Cook Hip Lift
2 x 10 reps each
Standing Good Morning Hamstring Stretch (Relax into Stretch P. 75)
DL patterning - 3 x 5 (double and single leg)
Comment - OK, some changes today but none of them just for the sake of it. In my Amosov routine this morning I subbed in some OH bw Squats and some face the wall squats for my usual squats that I do held onto a door handle. As you do after feeling knee pain the day before!
My knees actually feel stronger when I have a heel lift and I can drop just as far too so I get full range of motion. I thought these might help stretch me out a little for the swings and stuff I'll be doing later on. Will monitor and see how it goes, trying to drop that heel lift as I go along.
For the corrections I dropped the Toe Touch stuff - I do them 15 times every morning standing and did hit my toes 13 out of 15 in the sit-up stretches this morning as well. I am able to get a pass on the ASLR from cold now too and I feel that the Hamstring Stretch I added in will be a little more realistic in terms of the DL movement.
I've swapped out one hip exercise for a harder one which I just feel more on my sleepy glutes. And pumps have come in for the other hip flexor stretch as it is easier on the knees. On that note: I could really feel that I am tighter on the right hand side, it is easy to spend a bit longer prying out that side when doing pumps.
I really need to get someone to video me while doing the DL patterning. I think that I am using my knees too much as otherwise I would rapidly lose the curve in my back. I felt like I was maintaining the curve a lot better on the single leg stuff - though I was a little wobbly.
It just doesn't feel to me how it looks when Brett Jones does it in the DVD. But I guess thats why it is in there as a step. Still very pleased with how I have been progressing these past 2 weeks.
Saturday, 20 December 2008
Corrections - Day 13
Daily Corrections Exercises
ASLR stretches
Toe Touch exercises
X Band Walk
2 legged Hip Bridge
2 x 10 reps each
Comment - I have a sore knee now! I can only think that it came from doing bw squats as part of the Amosov routine too deep and too aggressively. I'll back off and not go so deep when I find myself able to do them again.
The pain is right in the front on the patella of my right knee. I didn't really want to try bearing my weight with it so that meant leaving out a few exercises/stretches. But I was still able to do some hip bridging, which did feel fine for a few one legged reps. I decided to play it safe though and did 2 legged instead in the main.
I was planning on doing a bit patterning stuff today but the pain comes on in a bent position. I don't see this being much more than a minor setback, few days at the most.
Friday, 19 December 2008
Day 12 - Back in the Saddle
Daily Corrections Exercises
ASLR stretches
Toe Touch exercises
X Band Walk
Quadruped Hip Extension
Hip Stretch
Cook Hip Lift - extra set on right side
Hip stretch
2 x 10 reps each
Comment - Did 10 reps each of Amosov routine was grand and will be back up to 15 from tomorrow onwards. ASLR and Toe Touches were grand but needed to do a set on the hip and glute stuff to get back into the swing of it. In the end though I was happy enough with how I did.
It suggests to me that my toe touch is going to be there or there abouts even if I take some time off. But the hip and glute stuff is really going to take a lot of work yet for sustained long term correction.
Thursday, 18 December 2008
Day 11 - Nil By Mouth
I started feeling a lot better this afternoon and was able to eat. Even though the exercises I'm practicing at the minute aren't strenuous I decided to leave it alone until tomorrow when I've got some strength back and am all clear.
As far as set-backs go this is negligible and see myself still very much on track.
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Corrections - Day 10
Daily Corrections Exercises
ASLR stretches
Toe Touch exercises
X Band Walk
Quadruped Hip Extension
Hip Stretch
Cook Hip Lift - extra set on right side
Hip stretch
2 x 10 reps each - DID NOT DO.
Comment - Did my mobility this morning and even threw in some 2 legged hip bridges. However as the day has drawn on I have become more and more ill. Most of my family are down with a stomach bug and it seems I have caught it too.....damn them!
Hopefully it will pass quickly. On the up side though I have been unable and unwilling to eat anything, so that should help the weight. ;)
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Corrections - Day 9
Daily Corrections Exercises
ASLR stretches
Toe Touch exercises
X Band Walk
Quadruped Hip Extension
Hip Stretch
Cook Hip Lift - extra set on right side
Hip stretch
2 x 10 reps each
Comment - Tried to do a few of the Cook Hip Lifts while hugging my knee. Stability was all over the place so I compromised by doing them with my knee as close to chest as possible without holding. If you can imagine it was like having my thigh at a right angle to my torso. The difference in not only stability but also height off the ground was prominent.
I am hoping that the attention to the quality of the movements I have making will stand me in good stead. I am really champing at the bit to get Deadlifting again now, but I'm determined to go through all the phases without any shortcuts.
So much for not weighing myself until after Christmas. I jumped on the scales today to see what resulted from a weekend of being really good to myself (without going too overboard). I was delighted to see that I have dropped another 1 lb making a loss of 15 lbs from my high water mark and 3 lbs since I started this new program. Long may it continue. Best of all though is how much I am enjoying my food for a big slab of Lasagne. Mmmmmmm!!!
Monday, 15 December 2008
Corrections - Day 8
Daily Corrections Exercises
ASLR stretches
Toe Touch exercises
X Band Walk
Quadruped Hip Extension
Hip Stretch
Cook Hip Lift - extra set on right side
Hip stretch
2 x 10 reps each
Comment - Hip lift coming on, getting good height off the ground. Need to start work on hugging my leg to chest as I'm lifting.
I can pretty much touch my toes whenever and ASLR is a 2 or there abouts from cold too. So I am going to throw in the patterning for the Deadlift in a couple of days.
Initially this just means holding a stick to my back and ensuring that it stays in contact with my glutes/ lower back, upper back and head. Sounds simple, but previously I couldn't move too far before the stick came off at one point or other.
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Corrections - Day 7
Daily Corrections Exercises
ASLR stretches
Toe Touch exercises
X Band Walk
Quadruped Hip Extension
Hip Stretch
Cook Hip Lift - extra set on right side
Hip stretch
2 x 10 reps each
Comment - One week in so time to up the Amosov routine reps up to 15. I do these as soon as I get out of bed each morning and I feel better after I've finished them. I have it in my plan but not written that I also do wrist,neck and ankle mobility drills through the day.
Do another week with the corrections and see if I am ready to advance to the next stage. I won't be just dropping them though. They will gradually move from the focus of a session to a warm up before Deadlifting and Pressing.
Saturday, 13 December 2008
Corrections - Day 6
Daily Corrections Exercises
ASLR stretches
Toe Touch exercises
X Band Walk
Quadruped Hip Extension
Hip Stretch
Cook Hip Lift - extra set on right side
Hip stretch
2 x 10 reps each
Comment - Went well today. I was using a band to pull on and ensure that I was activating my core before ASLRs but ditched it and didn't notice any difference. Toe Touch is still good, I can touch the ground down to my second knuckles now.
Hip lift is steadily getting better too. I can lift myself higher off the ground and though I am prone to instability if I don't concentrate there is definite improvement. I have been doing a couple of two legged hip lifts/bridges before I start my sets proper. It gives me a bench mark of how high I am aiming to get and also how it feels. I find this helps.
Still a lot of work to do here, I have not been pulling up my free leg which should be able to hold a tennis ball between hips and stomach. Rather I let it go where it needs as long as it is off the ground. But on the whole I am happy with the progress so far.
Friday, 12 December 2008
Corrections - Day 5
Daily Corrections Exercises
ASLR stretches
Toe Touch exercises
X Band Walk
Quadruped Hip Extension
Cook Hip Lift - extra set on right side
Hip stretch
2 x 10 reps each
Comment - Went a little easier on the hip stretch today, was feeling a bit sore from all the aggressive stretching no doubt. Had gentler imagery to go along with it too.
Took a sneaky peak at my weight this morning - 14st 13lbs. Very happy and am down around 11lbs in 4-5 weeks. No S diet is notoriously slow at shifting the weight so I don't expect any major drops in a month from here on out. I am loving my food though.
Thursday, 11 December 2008
Corrections - Day 4
Daily Corrections Exercises
ASLR stretches
Toe Touch exercises
X Band Walk
Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch - p.78 Relax into Stretch
Quadruped Hip Extension
Cook Hip Lift - extra set on right side
Hip stretch - extra on right side
2 x 10 reps each
Comment - Felt a little tighter today. Joints did even more cracking that usual this morning and just felt tighter doing the corrections. Feeling looser now.
Must be getting more in tune with my body. I can clearly feel that my right hip is tighter than the left. Hence the extra work on that side.
Mouse - Hope the cold clears up soon. I've been doing the stretch referenced above for hip flexors. It is a dousy - for some reason everytime I do them I imagine tearing the legs off a cooked chicken!! ........I know, I'm just fucked up.
I reckon I've got a good little routine going here. I started reading a lot of Mike Boyle's articles last night and I was going to change things around. Tweak here and there with the mobility stuff. I'm resisting though, and am just going to see it out as it is.
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Corrections - Day 3
Daily Corrections Exercises
ASLR stretches
Toe Touch exercises
X Band Walk
Quadruped Hip Extension
Cook Hip Lift - extra set on right side
Hip stretch
2 x 10 reps each
Comment - Noticed that I was a little weaker on the right leg doing the Cook Hip Lift today, so I threw in an extra set of 10. Wasn't an easy decision because I hate these. I am also going to do an extra hip stretch before these from tomorrow. I notice that they feel a lot easier when I test them after stretching.
I also caught sight of how high I was lifting my leg during Quadruped Hip Extension today - rubbish, thigh below parallel. So I made a much more concerted effort and was really beginning to feel it in my glutes. I seem to have a bit of a gluteal activation infactuation going on at the minute. I've also been trying the exercise whilst walking that is suggested here. I'm beginning to wonder if I shouldn't add Bushman's Buttocks to my list of goals.
ASLR and Toe Touch are coming along nicely. I was very happy when I also managed an impromtu toe touch from a sit and reach position - a lot harder for me when I don't get a boost from gravity.
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Corrections - Day 2
Daily Corrections Exercises
ASLR stretches
Toe Touch exercises
X Band Walk
Quadruped Hip Extension
Cook Hip Lift
Hip stretch
2 x 10 reps each
Comment - Even though it is only day 2 and it will be in no way programmed in permanently I am definitely seeing improvement across the board. Of course I noticed before with this type of thing that some days I would be closer to a touch toe etc than others.
I am hoping now that I can get to where I need to be quickly and spend the rest of the 2 weeks re-inforcing the movements. But if I feel that I need to take 3 then so be it.
Into my 2nd week now of the No S Diet. Going well. Wont weigh myself until the end of the first month. I just want to get the pattern of it down for this month, and hopefully not gain any weight.
Monday, 8 December 2008
Corrections - Day 1
Daily Corrections Exercises
ASLR stretches
Toe Touch exercises
X Band Walk
Quadruped Hip Extension
Cook Hip Lift
Hip stretch
2 x 10 reps each
Comment - Going to be a long road to travel until I correct that Cook Hip Lift. That said though you are encouraged to try the movement after the corrections and there was definite improvement in ASLR and Toe Touch - both of which would have been deemed a pass. And also after the dreaded hip stretch there was improvement in the hip lift which is encouraging.
Sunday, 7 December 2008
Core Screening
Screening from Secrets of the core
Involved doing the tests below trying to pick out issues that may be only barely noticeable. As I was doing this on my own there could have been things I missed but I'm confident that I didn't miss any of the gross stability/mobility errors.
Active Straight Leg Raise
Scored 1 L/R and wasn't too far from being a 2
Toe Touch - also the Right side/Left side toe touch
Fail - 2-3" out. Was also the same distance out on Left/Right leg only so no imbalances.
Bridge - 2 leg baseline bridge
Fine, good baseline in terms of height. Hamstrings and lower back felt tight.
Right/Left Single leg Extension Bridge
Stability good, no twisting, though I did sag a little at the hips on both sides.
Cook Hip Lift
Poor barely more than a few inches off the ground on either side.
Push-up - standard push-up baseline
Static Push-ups with Right and Left Leg lift
Push-ups with Right and Left Leg lift
Was really stable in all the screens above - no problems here.
Crocodile Breath
Found it very easy to breathe into the diaphram for the suggested 5 mins.
During the DVD the authors consistently tell you not to worry about correctly diagnosing what the problem is. It could be many things, all you really know is that the movement pattern is out and that you need to do the correction exercises to fix them.
That is what I am going to do - but I am going to give my opinion on what I think the root cause of a lot of the above is. Glute Activation or a lack thereof is more accurate. So I did a little extra homework and I am going to throw in 2 extra exercises designed to help this.
Here is my Corrections Program:
ASLR stretches
Toe Touch exercises
X Band Walk
Quadruped Hip Extension
Cook Hip Lift
Hip stretch
10 reps each
Aim to do these everyday - might integrate a few into the morning mobility, but it will definitely involve me doing a separate session later in the day anyway.
DVD would have me doing ASLR, Toe Touch and Cook Hip Lift (don't feel I need to do Chop and Lift). Cook Hip Lift is very hard for me to do so some of these additional exercises should help me speed up proficiency in this movement.
Training Goals 2009
“Make things as simple as possible, but not simpler.” Albert Einstein
Pass Functional Movement Screen
2 x BW Deadlift
40kgs Military Press (each arm)
To follow only the plan laid out below.
NO S Diet
Amosov’s Daily Joint Mobility Complex
Secrets of the Core: The Backside progression
Secrets of the Shoulder progression
Test FMS and correct any remaining issues
NO S Diet – the only half sensible eating plan I can stick with
No Sweets No snacks No Seconds Except Sometimes on days beginning with S
I know it sounds a bit wacky and oversimplified but I don’t care. I want to slowly lose weight over the year and enjoy my food at the same time. If I get to next Christmas and don’t like what I see then I shall change it.
Amosov’s Daily Joint Mobility Complex
10 basic exercises designed to improve joint mobility – simple.
Forward Bends
Arm Circles
Side Bends
Shoulder Touch
Torso twist
High Knees
Pulls Ups
Sit Ups
Throughout the day I also do wrists/neck and ankle mobility.
Secrets of the Core: The Backside
To rid my body of imbalances and poor movement patterns that may cause injury or impede performance Deadlifting.
Active Straight Leg Raise
Toe Touch - also the Right side/Left side toe touch
Bridge - 2 leg baseline bridge
Right/Left Single leg Extension Bridge
Cook Hip Lift
Push-up - standard push-up baseline
Static Push-ups with Right and Left Leg lift
Push-ups with Right and Left Leg lift
Crocodile Breath
ASLR fix - doorway leg lower
Toe Touch fix
Chop and Lift - core exercise
Patterning - 2 leg stick DL and Single leg Stick DL
Assisted DL - band and stick
Resisted DL - band and stick
Level 2 – 2-4 weeks
Band DL
KB and BB Suitcase DL
Sports Deadlift (aka - the Single leg Deadlift - contra-lateral load)
Barbell DL
Secrets of the Shoulder progression
To rid my body of imbalances, poor movement patterns and trigger points that are causing injury and impeding pressing performance.
Shoulder Flexibility
Impingement Test
Grip test
Trunk Rotation
Prone Press Up
Crocodile Breath
Push-up - standard push-up baseline
Corrections- 2-3 weeks
Stick work/T-spine
Shoulder Packing
Reach Roll and Lift
Arm Bar
Half Get Up
DL Variations
KB Swing
Push Up/Row
Military Press
Turkish Get Up
Pull Up
The time frames can only be a guess at this point. I must stay with them until I am proficient with each level and earn the right to move on.
There are two laws that I have been trying to integrate into my life over the past few months. They form the basis of common law and are common to all the world’s major religions. Not that I am religious, but they struck a chord with me and I have been using them to good effect.
Do everything you have agreed to do.
Do not encroach on other people or their property.
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
The Yoga Experience
But I was more worried about incense sticks and weird chanting - I'm really not into the esoteric side of it at all. So I was a little concerned when I saw my teacher come out of her house to meet me. Margaret must have been 70 if she was a day - but looked very spritely and was positively glowing. All of that is cool but she just had an aura of the esoteric about her.
She has an easy way with people and was absolutely lovely but I could smell the incense as we approached her studio. I think I just made my mind up about it there and then......which turned out to be a bit unfair.
She started me off in a few simple poses kneeling/sitting on blocks because my knees couldn't take it, and then steadily upped the ante to more (for me) excuriating poses. You know the type of twisted pain that actually has you laughing.
She paid a lot of attention to detail which did make a difference to my balance and where I felt the stretch. But to be honest most of the stuff wasn't that different to routines I've cooked up for myself in the past. They felt more or less the same (a pain in the wherever) except she told me to stop straining so much with them and go to my limits, but not beyond.
Towards the end of the session she did a relaxation exercise with me. She made me lay with my calves resting on a chair, and placed like a small beanbag over my eyes. She then began to talk me through my breathing and relaxing etc. It was around about this time that I realised that I was out in the middle of nowhere with a complete stranger. No one knew where I was and I was blind and kinda vulnerable to say the least!!
It occurred to me that this must have been how countless numbers of people have been unwittingly killed by old yoga teachers. She came to lay blankets over me to help me relax, but by this time I was convinced I needed to watch out for myself. I was in two minds about whether or not to kick out at her. I finished the relaxation session more switched on than I can remember for some time!!
I don't think that I shall go back - I got the same feeling about it when I did a class before, just not for me. It's miles away and a bit too pricey for me right now.
I don't feel it was a wasted trip though I got the following out of it:
There is no magic about it - a bit of attention to detail and consistency and anyone can do the basics.
Don't put yourself in the position where even an old woman could knife you and get away with it!! But do more relaxation stuff.
Man I must be getting so paranoid as I get older.
Monday, 24 November 2008
Still haven't felt that my back is all clear for the attentions of Iyengar Yoga but hope to arrange a lesson for the following Monday. I did however start doing some GTG press ups and assisted chin ups. I will do 3 sets of these x 6 per week at half the reps I maxed out with - retesting every Monday.
I have also been putting in the miles walking. No back pack as yet as I feel it would aggrivate my lower back.
I am hoping that this will stop me getting ratty with those around me - I always feel a bit over aggressive in the absence of training.
Friday, 14 November 2008
I decided that I really wanted to focus on losing some ugly fat in the run up to Christmas. I knew I was way over weight and had been trying to lose it, but suddenly it really mattered and my motivation went through the roof.
I was getting emailed the Purposeful Primative updates on the guy he is training and was like - wow, how is he losing all that weight so easily while I'm busting a gut and going nowhere. So I decided to take a look at the book again.
So I looked at the diet and started hiking and lifting F Squat / Jerk / DL only twice per week. On my 2nd week I thought I had broken my back DLing. Only for a second - but the crack was so loud and pain so bad I genuinely thought I had completely wrecked it.
I iced it and laid low for a week and I am getting around a whole lot better though it will be a week or to before I'm able to do any real physical training. The good thing though is that I immediately said to myself that I am going to have to be extra good about what I eat now. Usually I would have cursed the gods and binged until I could train again.
I am happy to report that I have lost 8lbs so far in total and 3lbs since I've been injured. I hope to add another 14lbs to that total by Christmas.
I have also found an Iyengar Yoga instructor not far from me and am planning taking a class as soon as the back is able.
Saturday, 25 October 2008
Sprints - inspired by Hannibal
(12) 50 yard sprints
(6) 100 yard sprints
(4) 200 yard sprints
(2) 400 yard sprints
Complete all as fast as possible, try to keep rest to a minimum.33:45
Comments: Absolutely foul weather. Tipping down with very strong winds. Just before I went out though I was watching a documentry about Hannibal. I figured if Hannibal could take 26,000 troops and loads of fuckin' elephants across the Alps, then the least I could do was get off my arse and go and do a bit of running!
So powered by the bacon and egg soda I had eaten earlier, out I went.
I was a bit confused about how to approach it though. Sprints as fast as possible. The way to cover that distance as fast as possible is to set off at a pace I could keep up for about 20 minutes. If I set off sprinting with little rest I knew I'd soon be down to a crawl.
If the goal was to improve sprinting then I knew I wanted to follow a piece of advice from my running days. Make sure your last sprint is as strong as the first. Take the rest you need and bang them out at 100%.
I compromised a bit though by going again once my heart rate dropped back down to 150bpms. It's a lot of sprints, so while my breathing was back to a decent level I felt less and less power from my legs as the session went on. The ghost of Hannibal and his elephant on my back.
All in all though it was a good session and I finished it quite strong .
Thursday, 23 October 2008
Assisted Pull Ups -10
Press Ups - 10
Powerwheel Rollouts - 5
Comment: Very busy today and about all I have time for really. But it all fits in as I'm sore from yesterday's effort and it is absolutely lashing down outside.
Rollouts done off my knees.
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Pyramid from 1...10...1, alternating between:
- 24kgs Snatches L/R
- Burpees
Burpees - 100 total
Comment: Bit of a miscalculation tonight. When I started I thought it was 100 reps of each I was doing. Then it dawned on me I was doing 200 snatches. My mind started to panic and I was thinking of ways I could cut the reps.
"I'll finish up on the 10 reps" "Just go to 7 and back down"
By the time I got to 10 I told myself it was all downhill....and physically it was! I'm sure I coughed up several organs as I tore down my body. MBG looked easier than this on paper - it'd better do the job.
Monday, 20 October 2008
100 yards
100 yards crawling
100 yards traveling Burpees
100 yards walking Lunges
100 KB Snatches (50 sn / 50 sw 24kgs)
Do your legs give you backchat?
Do you want to teach them a lesson?
Then the 100 yard workout is for you!!
Feel them tear on the forward/backwards crawls. Hear them scream as you spring forwards with the travelling burpees. And eat dirt as they helplessly give way on the lunges. Guaranteed to be out of action for up to two days!!
Did this at the local playing fields. A footy pitch is from 100-130m long - never been sure why they are not all standard. I suspect this one is closer to the 100m though. Tough workout for sure. I had planned to do 100 snatches instead of the cables cleans MBG suggests. It was lashing however and I feared for the skin on my hands so I switched to swings. Well, that and the fact I was f**ked. I guess I may have taken the easy way out.
Sunday, 19 October 2008
Friday, 17 October 2008
- Lateral Handstand Walks - Stability-push up position (60 feet)
- Chin ups - Strength-90 degree (18)
Rest as needed, then repeat same format with:
- Lateral Jumps - Stability - over a sandbag (25)
- 24Kgs Snatches (11 e/a)
Getting quicker at crawling. Feel stronger in my core and shoulders, and I'm more confident with the movement. This exercise has exposed all my weak areas. Wrists, traps, neck and stomach have all been sore after doing crawls of some sort. Very good exercise I'd previously overlooked.
Thursday, 16 October 2008
GTG + Skipping
10 Press ups
10 Chins
Jump Rope Revolutions
10 sets of 75 f/b
Comment: Didn't time skipping with a stop watch, but I did it in under 15 mins. My backwards skipping is coming on leaps and bounds. Need to flick my wrists better when the rope is coming through my feet - I understand that even if no one else does.
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Card Deck
Each exercise is a suit in a deck of cards. Ace is high and equals 14 reps, down to the 2 card. Go through entire deck AFAP:
- Hearts- Stepping Lunges (reps are for both sides)
- Diamonds-Sit Outs (reps are for both sides)
- Spades-Jump Rope (multiply reps by 10)
- Clubs-Burpees
Comment: Worst game of cards I ever had!!! Reps should have been each side so I was cheating there - but this was a killer at the reps I did do. There is nothing quite like getting the 9, Jack and King of clubs after each other.
It was very leg dominant and at times your heart just sinks when you turn over an Ace - worst than a bad beat at hold-em!!!
Monday, 13 October 2008
Mobility, Pumps
35 - I'm a man again doing full press ups
16 - not sure of the cable ratings, but 2 of them was plenty hard for this.
29 - alternating legs (I did do the 30th for symmetry)
Jungle Gym Leg Curls
15 - the cables keep coming from under my feet and flying up at me. Can't keep my feet flat on the ground so I shall have to think about this one for the future. Switched to deep BW Squats after a few attempts.
24 - cables are too long so I had to stop and wrap them around my feet a few times. Wasn't ideal set-up but it was doing a number on me none-the-less.
Comments: Quite a tough little circuit. Like most of these things it looks quite easy on paper but kicks your ass. Probably should have prepared myself a bit better for the exercises - at least tried them out before going at it proper.
I liked the way I was able to do all of this in my tiny bedroom using the cables, jungle gym and BW. There really is no excuse for me if it is lashing down outside now - which it will be for the next 6 months.
Edit: Place the cables under the block of wood I use for raising my heels. It may result in a block of wood flying up and hitting me in the ass but what the hell.
Saturday, 11 October 2008
3 x AMAP
Mobility, Pumps and skipping (f/b)
Alternate between the following for 3 sets of as many reps as possible:
Lateral Walks - push up position (approx 50 feet)
Assisted Chins (15)
Rest as needed, then repeat same format with:
Lateral Jumps (20)
24kg Snatches (10)
X 3
Comments: Subbed the snatches for cable extensions, wanted to see what my snatching was like.
Originally I had intended to stop when I could do AMAP in each set as it says. It became apparent though that I was feeling lazy and that I needed to set numbers for myself. In all fairness once I did this I was able to knock off that many for each set, with exception of the chins.
I think there is a couple of reasons for this - GTG for the past days on that exercise, and also I think I'm a little bit over trained. Didn't get a good nights sleep last night, woke up very early and I'm feeling a little ratty, early warning signs for me.
Off out on the town tonight - best hope that I lose the rattiness before I've got a skinful of alcohol in me!!
Friday, 10 October 2008
GTG + Circuits
Warm Up:
Line drills - like running backwards, high knees etc
12 Burpees
24 Push Ups (knees)
36 BW Squats
400m Run
4 Rounds
Comments: Like using the jungle gym from MBG, I have it hanging off my bedroom door and have been GTG pull ups on it for the past 2 days. I discovered a great place to hang it off my wooden staircase for pistols today.
It was raining out of the heavens when I left to go do the circuit. Fine rain that had me soaked through within 5 mins. Luckily there wasn't a breath of wind. I love it when it's like this. It feels really still and calm. This was shattered of course once I started the circuit. I was covered in muck within minutes, snot in the middle and wheezing like a dying man towards the finish. Still I was happy with my effort and feel grrrrrreeeeeeaaaat!
Shall have to get off my knees and do full press ups from now on....I think I said that last time too.
Thursday, 9 October 2008
That's for all the comments you left. Feedback and encouragement is always welcome and what has kept me on track with the consistancy of workouts over the past year. I owe you and Martin a lot for that.
I hear you loud and clear about the food stuff. I live with my folks at the minute and they and practically everyone else around me are not into this stuff and eat all the crap of the day. There are all sort of temptations around this house - and I am encouraged to eat it. It seems like they are constantly clawing at me to stop training and start eating.
In a way though it is their ill health and dependancy on medication that drives me on. I think the best thing I can do for myself is to move back out soon.
I thought that you'd have something to say about the KB heresy I wrote about. You have made it work well for you and fallen in love with it. I think they are a great tool too - but not the one stop shop I so wanted them to be. I have gotten a lot from using them exclusively at times, just not the things I was really after. I feel the stuff I am am doing now has gotten harder rather than easier. I can lift more weight than ever but struggling using my own weight - I just don't feel thats right.
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
6th Test
Mobiltiy, pumps and skipping (F/B)
Long conditioning test
100 yards Bear Crawl + 1000 revolutions skipping (F)
Circuit - 30/30
30 seconds of exercise 1, 30 seconds rest, 30 seconds exercise 2, 30 seconds rest, repeat for a total of 8 minutes, alternating between:
Kettlebell Swings - 24 kgs
BW Squats
18-20 reps for each
Rest as needed, then repeat same format as above with:
Assisted Pull Ups
8-11 reps for each
Comments:Killer. I am sitting here sweating buckets as I write this. As I did the long conditioning test today I missed out the middle couple of exercises from the WOD. Sprinting on the spot and Step Ups. I did this as the test was harder than I thought it'd be. Go figure!!
I made it a little harder than the lowest level of stairway crawls to bear crawls on the flat. I did them forwards and backwards across my yard. They were tough, but nowhere near as bad as those pesky power wheel crawls - my stomach is so sore today from yesterdays try out.After this the 30/30 circuits were brutal. It's going to be a long 60 days!!!
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
Testing, testing, 123
Warm Up:
Mobility, pumps and 5 mins skipping (back and forwards)
MBG Tests
Chin ups: Stability: 90 degree assisted chin ups (over 20 reps)
17 reps - really started to burn my biceps
Pushups: Strength: regular pushups (over 20 reps)
21 regular push-ups
Squats: Power: front squat (over 5 reps)
50kgs sandbag x 6 reps. approx 60% of bw
Jumping rope: Strength: Jump rope 150 forward / 150 backward (in under 2:30)
3mins 17 secs
Alignment: Strength: Power wheel crawls (100 yards in under 5 mins)
60 feet or 20 yards in 5 minutes. Would have taken me all day to 100 yards. Felt weak in my wrists, and core both front and back.
Long Distance: Stabilty: 100 yard stair crawl + 1000 revolutions of skipping rope.(under 30 mins)
Do this one tomorrow along with a few other bits and peices.
1 min rest between each test.
When the daily workout is posted it gives you a choice of stability, strength and power under each exercise. It just gives you an idea of which you should be doing for the effect goal of the workout.
Overall - no real surprises, about what I expected for each. It just confirmed to me that I need to lose a fair few pounds to get better at the old bw based routines.
The power wheel is going to sicken me before I'm finished. It is unbelievably hard!! I was inching forward and flying backwards (not good, was out of control). This was because I wasn't able to stay tight enough in the mid section. My lower back got sore on a few ocassions due to complete fatigue of the core too. And my wrists didn't hold up too well. As an added kick in the balls I fully expect my shoulders to be seriously stiff in the morning. I've even placed it outside my bedroom in the hall now - can't stand the sight of it already!!
It is going to make me very strong though........
Monday, 6 October 2008
MBG stuff has arrived!!!
In the pack amongst other stuff I got a very sturdy power wheel and a jungle gym - webbing with handles basically. I've mainly been playing around with these. They are realitively simple tools but I can already see the potential for their use.
The power wheel is killing me on the simple exercises they recommend to start with. My shoulders and mid section are going to get hammered!! The webbing is going to help me develop my ability to perform some very essential body weight exercises like chins, dips and pistols. I'm actually quite excited by the prospects.
MBG has some tests they recommend you complete prior to starting the 60 day challenge. Partly to gauge your progress but more for determining the level of exercise progressions to start at. I shall do those tomorrow night and post the results. Some of them I already where I'll be, but some others shall be interesting.
Edit: For got to add that my calves are killing me today from skipping. With the KB stuff and low rep DLs I was always fine the next day. This approach has me sore all over though.
Sunday, 5 October 2008
Skipping Pyramid
Comment: Forwards this was a piece of cake, sprinted through it. This was my first time ever skipping backwards though. It was so frustrating. I started in one's and the ocassional two's, and was forever whipping myself in the face with the leather rope. I'm not into that sort of thing, it was just accidental ya know!!
At the end, even though I was tired, I was stringing together bursts of 5. It'll come with a bit more practice and I reckon I'll bust this time wide open when I try it again. There's a good scene on the Enamait dvd I got recently about practicing skipping, including double unders, cross overs etc. I might start practicing these briefly as a warm up.
Friday, 3 October 2008
Prison Workout
24kg KB Cleans e/s
Lunges e/s
3 mins rest
24kg KB Jerks
Comment: Hardest workout I've done in a long time. Did well with the first one and I thought I posted a respectable time. The next one was a stone cold killer. Maybe that's why it's called the Prison workout. I just felt more and more light headed and drained with each rep - thought about calling it quits early on but I'm pleased that I was able to talk myself around and keep going - even if it had taken me 25 mins.
To add to the coincidences I had just finished watching a pretty brutal program about Surviving Maximum Secruity. I'd still take this workout over having to go in there!!
Edit: should mention that this was taken from MBG WOD. I subbed Kbs for bands and the burpees for power wheel crawls 100 yards to 10 yards. Now that will be a killer when I get that contraption.
Thursday, 2 October 2008
BW circuit
Warm up:
Mobility, Pumps
Complete the following AMAP in 25 minutes:
20 BW Squats
20 Pushups - Stability-knee
Jump Rope 150 forwards and backwards - Stability-invisibe jump rope
7 rounds - just finished 8th set of push ups on 25:00
Comment: Absolutely teaming down outside today. Really wasn't in the mood for a soaking so I did this inside meaning that I had to pretend skip. I'm not a bad skipper anyway so I was going through the motions just as if I had a rope in my hand.
My knees were getting killed on the BW Squats. I was going to rock bottom with my heels raised a little - just glad I didn't pull/twist/strain something.
Went for the push ups off my knees as I knew I wouldn't be able to go straight through with full ones. In the end though they were maybe a little too easy so next time I'll start with full ones and then drop to my knees when they get too tough.
Good session - enjoyed it once I got going. Feeling full of energy now.Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Same but different
Nothing completely over the top, and nothing I feel guilty or sickened by either. I think over the past few months I have developed the attitude that I would like to get my weight down and I'll make steps towards that, but also that Rome wasn't built in a day and that there will be backslides. I'm not going to beat myself up over it - I'm only human, and besides it was all bloody lovely!! ;)
Time to get back at it for another while now.
I've decided to do a bit of bodyweight stuff for a few months. I was reading over some stuff at the Monkey Bar Gym and I liked the philosophy of their training style. Focused around running, jumping, climbing and crawling. Kind of like I've been doing recently, the workouts are crossfitesque and they also encourage working towards certain skills like handstand walks, pistols and muscle ups. They do use KBs, sandbags and jump bands but tend not to go for the barbell stuff that crossfit utilizes.
They post different WODs based on the type of equipment you may have to hand or for more specific goals. I decided to try their 60 Day Challenge which includes using some equipment like a power wheel and some webbing for assistance in certain body weight exercises. It'll take around 2 weeks to get here, so I'll have to work around it a bit until it gets here. Subbing the exercises with equipment I do have.
I made it clear when I started this blog that I was interested in KBs due to the study reported in Russian KB Challenge about improvements in sprints, broadjumps, pull ups etc from sole use of KBs. The "what the hell effect". Well, I did have improvement upon my Deadlift with nowt but swings, but as for the rest its been more a case of "where the hell?".
I realise that a lot of that has been down to my weight going up, but using heavier weights I have found it impossible to eat like I know I should. I want to try a bit of bodyweight stuff, higher reps and see how I find that for a while. Besides, it is this kind of parkour stuff that really interests me. Low level stuff like being able to get over walls, vault fences and have a decent vertical and horizontal jump. All the strength goals I have had were ones that I read you needed as a base for doing most of the above well.
After going through the sites past workouts I went to the park for a bit of a scout around to see where I could do these workouts. When I looked through these eyes I saw lots of great places that offered the chance for progressions due to slopes, different sized walls, steps etc. I know that to begin I'll have to keep my ego in check and I'll look a right plonker doing some of the stuff. But I'm really looking forward to it.
Saturday, 27 September 2008
Mobility, Pumps
Free Style Circuit
Sandbag Front Squats - 40Kgs
Assisted Pull-Ups
Jerks - 24kgs
Swings - 32kgs
Sandbag bearhug carry - 67.5kgs
Sledge and Tire
Snatches - 16kgs
3 x 5 mins, 1 min rest
Comments: Good session. Felt really tired throughout. To be expected though on the type of food I'm eating and as I'm losing weight. I haven't ate bread, pasta, rice etc for almost a week now and very little of it for around 3 weeks. I normally collapse without it, but this time I am really a bit better off. I think I've mentioned before how I only really notice the difference when I do some intense training, or towards the end of a long walk. Even so on a day like today I manage to have a reasonable amount of energy to get through it.
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Big Pulls : Little Pushes
Mobility, Pumps
100 x 5, 130 x 4, 145 x 3, 150 x 2, 150kgs x 1
Comment: Very pleased with this. Felt a bit tired before it and consequently I didn't have high expectations. I just went out and did what I could within my limits. 150kgs felt heavy enough for the double so I felt a single with it would do me for the last rep.
LCCJ - 24kgs
100 in 10:05
Comment: 10 each arm. Set it down as often as I wished. Was pushing really hard to get under 10 mins at the end and my form suffered. None the less I am very pleased with this effort.
Monday, 22 September 2008
Mobility, Pumps
Power Cleans
20 x 5, 40 x 3, 50 x 2 x 2, 60kgs x 2 x 2
Comments: Still felt reasonably easy. The one time I really tried to follow my coaching point of getting under the bar I got hit in the chin and rattled my teeth. No harm done though. But my timing must improve - I don't want to ruin my pretty boy good looks!
10 mins PR zone
Pull ups (assisted) - 39 reps
24kg KB Jerks - 39 L/R 78 total
10 mins PR zone
Sledge swings - 60 L/R 120 total
16kg KB Snatches - 60 L/R 120 total
Wasn't battering myself in either of these but it was a solid pace. Quite happy with the totals. I have developed a bit of pain in my right shoulder and wrist on the last few sessions and it was felt during the KB jerks especially tonight. I'll ice them tonight and see how they get on.
Bearhugged 67.5kgs sandbag - carried it 20 feet to top of garden - dropped it. Picked up the sledge and tire and put them away at bottom of garden.
Walked back up to the top of my garden. Bearhugged the sandbag - walked 40 feet to the bottom of the garden and backup - dropped it. Put away my 16kgs KB.
Walked back to the top of my garden - bearhugged the sandbag and walked 20 feet with it to put it away.
Thinking about it now I'm sure there must have been an easier way for me to have put my stuff away. ;)
Saturday, 20 September 2008
Put em up!!!
20 x 8, 40 x 5, 50 x 5, 60 x 5, 67.5kgs x 1
From the ground I shouldered the bag and deep squated it, not going near failure. Added weight quickly and went again. I had a bit of a wrestle with the 67.5 and it took me a few goes to get it shouldered. By the time I did, I only had 1 rep in me.
Pull Ups (assisted) - 15 total
Jerks (32kgs) - 15 L/R
Alternated ladder of 5 rungs. With as little as possible or no rest between each.
Swings (32kgs) - 75 total
Burpees - 15 total
Alternated as follows:
5 swings, 5 burpees, 10, 4, 15, 3, 20, 2, 25, 1
Again with as little rest between each as possible.
I wasn't timing any of it. Intentionally. I just wanted to go again when I was ready - didn't need Old Father Time clouding my mind on this. I do know that I finished in under 30 minutes though. A satisfying amount of work.
I will say this however. I think it was Lombardi who said "Fatigue makes cowards of all men!"Last night I watched "There will be Blood" with Daniel Day Lewis. At the start his character falls down a narrow mine shaft, breaking his leg in the fall. He manages to use his arms to haul himself out and crawl miles to the nearest town. Bit out there perhaps but you get the idea of the courage displayed.
Well I tell you, there were times during my work out today when I felt more like the guy below than Daniel Day Lewis!! The lack of pasta, potatoes etc in my recent diet really shows when I do some intense training. But only during this time. Day to day, I feel grand - plenty of energy and alert. I hope that it is something that passes, or that I can endure it because I like this new way of eating (Evolutionary Fitness). And of course the weight still dropping too.

Thursday, 18 September 2008
100 x 2, 120 x 2, 130 x 2, 140 x 2, 145 x 2, 150 x 2
Pull Ups - 5
M Presses (24kgs) - 5 L/R
Swings (24kgs) - 15
1 Round
Skipping - about 1 minute if I count getting it and putting it back.
Comments: It would be wrong of me to say that tonights session was bad. Deadlifting went very well even though I hit a bit of a wall. Felt pretty tired and mentally I wasn't feeling it either. I just had a few half-arsed attempts at conditioning. I'll go back and sort that out tomorrow.
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Free Stylin'
Mobility, Pumps
Barbell Power Cleans
20 x 5 x 2, 40 x 2, 45 x 2, 50 x 2 x 2, 55kgs x 2 x 2
Comment: I'd been planning to do these for a few days. Which gave me the excuse I needed to watch my favourite dvd - Jimmy Schmitz Olympic Style Weightlifting. It is a home production set up but worth its weight in gold.
These were fairly comfortable and it was all about practicing. Two coaching points for me to note though:
- Need better flexibility in the wrists and arms so I can rack the weight
- Need to go into a quarter squat and hold it a second or two before standing up
'Unscripted' Circuits
Pull Ups
Press Ups
24kgs KB snatches L/R
35kgs Sandbag Clean and Throw
Sledge Hammer Strikes
5:30 - 1 min rest. 4:30 - 1 min. 3:30 - collapse in heap!
This will take a little explaining. Inspired by a dvd I recieved this morning from my friend Paul (you're a real gentleman, thank you.) - Full Throttle by Ross Enamait. I picked the six exercises above and worked through them randomly. A random number of reps and sets and in a random order.
The idea was to only do an exercise while I was performing it powerfully and with good form. For example I performed 7 pull ups straight out of the traps. When I performed them again I managed 4 good powerful reps and then swapped to say burpees or whatever. Continuing in this fashion with each exercise.
I placed the sledge and tire at the top of the garden. Anytime I went to do those I'd shoulder the sandbag carry it up there and bring it back down when I was finished. Started with the Clean and Throws from chest height, but after a while they were lifted to hip height and thrown across the yard in a kind of twisting motion.
The plan was to do 3 x 5 mins with 1 min between. Incredibly - as I was fading after a few minutes - I did over 5 mins first round. The other two rounds were about all the time I could handle.
Full Contact Twists
17.5kgs x 4 (each side) x 3
Comment: First time doing these - I like.
Good session today. I like the randomness, really kept it interesting. It was so different from paying a lot of attention to detail with the Power Cleans. But I really enjoyed both for different reasons.
Unscripted or Freestyle training isn't something you need to do everytime, but it is good to keep things fresh.
I subscribed to Art De Vany's site some days ago and have been inspired by what I've seen and read there. For me there are a lot of commonalities with Crossfit in both nutrition and training principles. This idea of life's terrain never being the same and that one should be prepared for anything at any time is one I strongly agree with. While there may be brief periods where I train specifically for something in the future. This style of training is the type that best captures my imagination and that I intend sticking with. At some stage I shall be setting up a new blog - it's no longer just a Kettlebell Experience.
Here are some of the simple but fantastic meals I have been eating lately, also somewhat influenced from the De Vany site.
So far this meal is all I have had all day. It saw me through the training session OK and I still don't feel especially hungry. These types of meals are simple to put together and aren't as bland as I thought they would be. For the time being they are doing the job - weight is continuing in the right direction, and I'm able to function. However I shalln't be scared to enjoy a pizza or something if the mood really takes me.
Saturday, 13 September 2008
Mobility, Pumps, Bear Crawls
Sandbag Presses
30 x5, 40 x 4, 50 x 3, 60 x 2, 65kgs x 1 (failed twice)
Comment: Had the 65kgs on top of my head each time but couldn't press it out - I was actually laughing at myself too which didn't help :)
Pull Ups: 5 x5 (assisted) 90 secs between sets
Swings: 32kgs 150 reps in 10 mins
Finisher: Shouldered 65kgs sandbag and walked 150 feet.
Comments: This 65kgs sandbag is proving to be a bit of thorne in my side. First with the squats and now the presses. The sand in it is soaking from the leaky dungeon I keep it in actually. So I must weigh it and check if it is nearer 70kgs - then I can feel better about myself!
Been doing a lot of walking this week and a switch to Precision Nutrition has produced 4 times the weight loss of the previous 2 weeks combined! I haven't weighed out anything and eat more (of the right stuff) if I feel especially hungry. It's a lot more expensive but it is obviously the way forward if I want the right body comp.
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
Mobility, Pumps, Squats
Sandbag Front Squat
30 x5, 40 x 4, 50 x 3, 60 x 2, 65kgs x 1 (failed)
Comment: Did all the hard work and got the sandbag up to my chest - I wasn't strong enough to hold onto it when I squatted down and lost it forward.
5 pull ups (assisted)
10 press ups
15 swings (32kgs)
5 rounds in 10 mins
Shouldered 65kgs sandbag and walked 100 feet.
Comments: My brother won't lend me his wii-fit and Micheal Flattly is off the island so riverdance training is out - so I just did the above instead. Decreased the duration by shortening rest time between each set and between the components - looking more for a sustained elevated HR and strength endurance. Running has been messing with my knees so I'll keep it to a minimum and try to get some hikes with a backpack in instead. Main focus is on my food intake.